
1st UPCiDe Research Seminar

On November 28th, the UPCiDe team convened for the first UPCiDe research seminar.

Friderike presenting her work on intra-personal compromise and vegan activism

Sandrine presenting her work on compromise and populism

Serge presenting his research on compromise and consent

Augusto presenting his dissertation chapter “Is existential conservatism compatible with luck egalitarianism?”


Conference presentation at the Swiss Animal-Environmental Ethics Network Meeting

Friderike Spang presented her work on intra-personal compromise and vegan activism at the first Swiss Animal-Environmental Ethics Network Meeting at the University of Fribourg:


Upcoming presentation at UNIL by Laetitia Ramelet

Dr. Laetitia Ramelet will give a presentation entitled “Reconnaissance automatisée de la voix, de la parole du visage : défis sociétaux” at UNIL on November 1st 2022.

More information is available here:


Friderike Spang’s new blog entry on compromises and deliberation

Friderike published a blog entry entitled For a fair compromise, don’t negotiate, deliberate! at The Loop (ECPR’s Political Science Blog).


Friderike Spang’s article “Compromise in Political Theory” accepted

Friderike Spang’s article entitled “Compromise in Political Theory” has been recently accepted for publication in Political Studies Review. Check its abstract below:

This review article provides a topic-centered overview of the state of compromise in political theory, where compromise is increasingly discussed as a promising approach to dealing with disagreement in politics and society. Given the growing literature on compromise, a systematic approach to the topic is due. The first sections are focused on clarifying the concept of compromise, while the remainder of the article offers different perspectives on those aspects of compromise that are subject to debate.