CFP for sessions and a roundtable at Leeds IMC 2018 (2-5 July 2018)
Late Medieval Devotion to Northern English Saints
Despite widespread interest in the cults of northern English saints in the early middle ages, there has been comparatively little work done on the nature and development of those Anglo-Saxon and early English saints’ cults (>1200) that survived into the later medieval post-1300 period.
We welcome paper proposals on early northern English saints (loosely defined as saints from Cumbria, Yorkshire, Durham, Northumbria, and the borders, 600-1200), with regard to one or more the following:
- Their textual presence in Latin, Middle English, and/or Anglo-Norman post 1300 (vitae, miracula, legendaries, offices, liturgical material, kalendars etc.)
- Their material culture (architecture and shrines, relics and reliquaries, stained glass, panel painting etc.)
- Their cults in the post-1300 period (provision for pilgrims, economic change, repurposings to meet new regional/national agendas, patronage etc.)
If you would be interested in joining us at Leeds International Medieval Congress 2018 to give a 20-minute paper in a session, or an 8-minute position statement in a roundtable, please send a paper title and a 200-word abstract, by 31 August 2017, to Christiania Whitehead and Hazel Blair:
These sessions are organised by the 3-year, Swiss National Science Foundation-funded team research project Region and Nation in Late Medieval Devotion to Northern English Saints, directed by Professor Denis Renevey, which is investigating the extent to which devotion to early northern English saints persists in late medieval England, and exploring the implications of such devotions for regional and national cultures. If you would like to read more about our project, based at the University of Lausanne, you can find more details on our homepage.