Call for applications | TransHumanities Summer School

Materialities & Subjectivities : Accounting for Complicated and Complicating Entanglements in the Humanities

31 August-4 September 2020 (Kandersteg, Switzerland)

TransHumanities is a platform for dialogue between the disciplines of the Humanities, between the Humanities and other scientific cultures, between science and art, theory and practice, academia and society; and between individual and participatory, analytical and committed research. TransHumanities serves to establish and cultivate discourses, initiatives and ideas that transcend institutional, socio-cultural, regional, linguistic and disciplinary barriers.

Call for applications [PDF]

Deadline: 10 May 2020

When: 31 August – 4 September 2020 Where: Hotel Alpha Soleil, Kandersteg, Switzerland Languages: English (main), German ECTS: 6 | Costs: 400 Swiss francs (travel and accommodation [double room] covered by organizer). Members of the GSAH and the Bernese Faculty of Humanities as well as members of our partner institutions and supporters (f.e. GCSC Justus-LiebigUniversität Giessen, FDI Université de Lausanne) are free of charge.