Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Biology and Medicine in Lausanne

Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine in Lausanne. As former Head of the Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation Clinic at the University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, Stephanie Clarke was closely involved in neurorehabilitation to in- and outpatients in postacute and chronic stages of brain lesions, with particular emphasis to neuropsychological rehabilitation and speech therapy. With her group Stephanie Clarke continues research projects that combine investigations of cognitive functions and of the functional organization of the human cerebral cortex, with particular interest in the organisation and plasticity of the human auditory cortex.
With her group Stephanie Clarke carries out research projects that combine investigations of cognitive functions and of the functional organization of the human cerebral cortex, with particular interest in the organisation and plasticity of the human auditory cortex. Keywords: Cognitive functions, neural plasticity, recovery from brain lesions, neurorehabilitation, neuropsychology, auditory cognition, time perception, cerebral cortex, brain imaging
FNS 141177 (2012-15; PI)
FNS 142882 (2012-13; co-app)
FNS 125759 (2010-14; co-app)
FNS 158776 (2014-18; co-app)
FNS 143780 (2013-16); co-app)
FNS 159708 (2015-18); PI)
- Director of the Doctoral School FBM
- Thesis director: PhD in neuroscience, MD
- Ex cathedra lectures to medical students
- Supervision of Master students