Society & neuroscience

Brain, Mind and Human Identity

Brain function is intimately linked to human identity. Highly evolved cognitive functions differentiate us from non-human species. They rely on complex neural networks, which are fine-tuned throughout life by exposure to specific stimuli, focused training and other interventions. Human identity is constituted by the interplay of cognitive fonctions and culture. Neuroscience contributes to our understanding who we are and is thus of high interest to the general public. Over the last 20 years we have participated in this debate, including with the following interventions:

Stephanie Clarke: Is it all in the brain? Is it all in the brain? | Faraday ( Lecture given at the summer course 2019 at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge, UK

Stephanie Clarke: Is the human brain hard-wired for faith? Is the Human Brain Hard-Wired for Faith? | Faraday ( Lecture given at the summer course 2018 at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge, UK

Stephanie Clarke: L’âme face aux neurosciences L’âme face aux neurosciences par Stephanie Clarke – YouTube. Conférence donnée en 2022 lors du congrès « Penser l’âme au temps de son éclipse. Les ressources de l’anthropologie chrétienne », Université Catholique de Lyon, France

Radio & TV broadcasts

Sonia Crottaz-Herbette

Rencontre avec Sonia-Crottaz-Herbette, émission CQFD 2020 Rencontre avec Sonia Crottaz-Herbette, une spécialiste du cerveau-Stanford, l’histoire d’une expérience biaisée – – Portail Audio

Stephanie Clarke

Le point sur 10 ans de neuroréhabilitation, émission CQFD (2023) Le point sur 10 ans de neuroréhabilitation –

Têtes au foot et lésions cérébrales, émission 36.9 (2022) Avis dexperts

Zoom sur la neuroréhabilitation post-COVID-19, émission CQFD (2020) Avis dexperts

Bruit, le silence est pire, émission 19h30 (1019) Avis dexperts

Quand les symptômes de la commotion cérébrale persistent, émission CQFD 2018 Avis dexperts

Musique et cerveau : les câblage neurologiques, émission CQFD (2016) Avis dexperts

Rencontre avec Stephanie Clarke, émission CQFD (2014) Avis dexperts