Symposia Submission

Call : June 2023

Deadline for submissions : 15.10.2023

  1. Please include in your submission a title, a justification of the theme of the symposium (up to 200 words) and the names and contact details of 1-3 symposium organizers.
  2. You may invite up to three speakers for your symposium and provide their names in your application.
  3. Additionally, you will have open slots in your symposium and attendees will be able to submit abstracts to speak in these slots. You will be provided with the submitted abstracts and will be able to accept them for “oral presentations” or “posters”.
  4. You also have the possibility to attribute a “key note lecture” (30 min slot) to one of your invited speakers in the symposium.
  5. Remember that the symposium should be of general interest to the IUSSI community so that several people will submit abstracts to talk in your session.

Your application will be reviewed by the scientific advisory board and you will be notified of acceptance by December 2023.

Please email your application to and with the subject “EU-IUSSI 2024 Symposium Submission”.