May 8, 2019: single field “person(s)”, “Open Access” and “APC” fields and new presentation in the metadata step

The following features will be added in production on Wednesday, May 8, 2019:

Single field “person(s)”

Entry in a single list of people instead of an entry in separate fields (author (s), translator (s), …):

It is possible to change the order by moving a line with a drag and drop.

Plan S – “Open Access” et “APC” fields

The fields “Open Access” and “APC” (publication fees), required by plan S, have been added in the entry:

The checkbox “Open Access” can be automatically checked when filling the form via a DOI or a PMID. However, the publication must have a DOI and the publication must be indicated as “Open Access” in Unpaywall.
We have considered all types of Open Access in this field:
  • Gold (immediately available to all under a CC licence in an OA journal)
  • Hybrid (immediately available to all under a CC licence in a subscription journal)
  • Green (embargoed accepted author version of the manuscript in SERVAL)
  • Bronze (published version free to read in the publisher’s webpage after an embargo period)

New presentation of the fields in the metadata step

The layout of the metadata page has been modified.

The interface is now much more compact because all types of authors can be entered in the same “person” field. The help text of a field can be accessed by clicking on its name.

The navigation buttons have been moved to the top of the page, and the different sections of the interface (mandatory or recommended/optional metadata) can be hidden/shown by clicking on their title.

Usage data

You can consult the publication usage data in Serval. They are displayed in their details.

The usage data correspond to two values:

  • Number of views: the number of times the record was viewed
  • Number of downloads: the number of times that the full text was downloaded


  • In the details:

  • The usage data page of the publication. It is accessible by clicking on one of the values ??of the usage data in the details.

Retention of access statistics has begun on January 3, 2018. Update of usage data is done one time per day.

Simplifications in data entry, links to research data and other changes

Automatic / manual entry

When you start a new entry, the first screen now gives you two choices:

  • Automatic entry from an identifier (DOI or PMID).
  • Manual entry

Highlighting mandatory or recommended / optional metadata

In the metadata entry step, the mandatory or recommended fields are now grouped at the beginning of the input form.

Rules for the “language” and “pages” fields

The fields “language” and “page” are not mandatory anymore since the state “to be validated”. The field “language” is mandatory since the “personal” state. “Pages” is no longer required but simply recommended.

Simplification of the entry of “reference identifiers”

The entry of reference identifiers is no longer limited to a maximum of 2 of these. You can enter them directly without having to select the ones you want.

New field: “research data”

You can enter the DOIs of the research data associated with the publication.

Adding buttons for sharing on social networks

Buttons to share a publication on social networks Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook have been added in the details of publications in “serval” state.

Removing the reroid identifiers

Reroididentifiers, which are no longer valids, have been removed from the display and entry. They will be deleted from the data as the records change.

Removing PAC Code (Preservation And Conservation)

The PAC code, which was entered by validators during validation, was removed.

Improvements in links automation

Automatic links from ORCID identifiers

In the “links” step during a creation or when using the “Automatic Proposals” button during an edition:

  • Automatic check of the author if an ORCID identifier linked to the UNIL is indicated in the metadata obtained from the Pubmed (PMID) or Crossref (DOI) service.
  • If an author’s affiliation (with ORCID iD linked to UNIL) contains “university of lausanne”, “université de lausanne”, “unil”, “chuv” ou “vital it competence center”, units and teams of the author are checked.

The following conditions must be met:

  • the author must have an ORCID identifier
  • the author must have linked his ORCID identifier to UNIL
  • the publisher knows the ORCID identifier of the author and specifies it in the metadata of the publication
  • the publication must have a DOI or a Pubmed ID (PMID).

Link automatically checked for the author

During a new entry, if the user is a member of at least one research unit and is in the list of proposals then the unit is automatically checked.

Proposed links deduced from the authors entered in the metadata

Proposals for links were made from the first 5 and last 5 people maximum for the fields author, (co-) directors, … Links are now deducted from all the values contained in the fields author, directors, co-directors, editors and translators.

Display faculties / units in links

In the “links” step, the units or faculties of the persons are displayed.