TEMPS (The Evolution of Moutain Permafrost in Switzerland)

Sinergia-project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation 2011 – 2014
SNF Webpage: http://p3.snf.ch/project-136279

The project TEMPS aims to analyse and integrate high-mountain observations with model simulations using a dynamic process-oriented permafrost model. In combination with results from Regional Climate Model simulations, TEMPS aims to create plausible evolution scenarios of mountain permafrost at specific sites and will investigate the interactions between atmosphere and permafrost focusing on the evolution of ground temperature, ice content and related degradation and creep processes. The project is composed with 4 sub-projects and is carried out by several Swiss partners. We are involved in TEMPS-B project: Ground ice and water content estimation and integrative analysis of mountain permafrost monitoring elements (Delaloye/Hilbich/Lambiel/Noetzli, UNIFR, UZH, UNIL).

Horizontal surface velocity and mean annual ground surface temperature of an active rock glacier (Yettes Condjà valley, Nendaz, Swiss Alps)