On Thursday 14, Hall 1031 will host some stands and partners. If you’re active in gender studies and would be interested in organizing and running a small stand to meet our public, please contact us at sags2023@unil.ch.
> FemWiss
40 years of FemWiss – Become active!
The Association for Feminist Science Switzerland celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2023. FemWiss was founded in 1983 by female students and researchers who were active in the academic context in Switzerland and wanted to strengthen feminist perspectives and gender equality in academia and politics. One of the goals of the association was to institutionalise gender equality and gender research in the higher education landscape in Switzerland.
FemWiss continues to work as an independent actor at the national level for gender equality and academic politics and raises public awareness on feminist perspectives.
For example, FemWiss is a member of various networks for gender research and higher education policy – such as SAGS. An important concern of FemWiss is to help shape the dialogue between science, politics, and the public about gender research and feminist standpoints.
The association’s publication FemInfo, which appears three times a year, serves this purpose. The thematic issues bring together contributions from academic and non-academic fields that address social challenges from a transdisciplinary feminist perspective. For example, recent issues were dedicated to the topics of “Feminist media politics”, “Does sport have a gender?” and “Sexual Harassment in academia”. The older issues are available for free in the archive.
On the occasion of our 40th anniversary, we would like to reflect on our past and future with you. Please take some time to answer our FemWiss survey, which is available in German and French.
You are welcome to get involved with FemWiss, for example with a membership, FemInfo subscription, or writing a contribution – there are many options: www.femwiss.ch
> PlaGe
PlaGe (Plateforme en études Genre) is an interdisciplinary network of the University of Lausanne. Its main objective is to understand gender in its global reality, through the exchange of knowledge, analyses and methods between disciplines.
It fosters collaboration between the various members in the field of research, the organization of scientific activities, and the dissemination and integration of Gender Studies within Unil’s various disciplines and faculties.
It is conceived as a network supported collectively by the various disciplines and faculties. Membership is open to anyone studying or working at Unil, whatever their status.
Nouvelles Questions Féministes publishes french-language scientific articles in the humanities and social sciences that examine the social processes at the root of gender inequality and discrimination. It aims to improve and disseminate knowledge in the field of gender or feminist studies by stimulating scientific debate and the circulation of knowledge in this field of research, among other things by translating foreign-language articles and welcoming french texts from all geographical areas. It publishes both empirical research and theoretical reflections. It favours research that analyses the structural effects of gender relations in all fields. It is interested in all subjects, without exception: work, education, justice, family, sexuality, health, social movements, the media, etc. It places great emphasis on research that examines how various systems of social hierarchisation contribute to producing particular configurations of the gender system, in the wake of studies on the interweaving of social relations. It is aimed at all those (public authorities, associations, students, etc.) who wish to transform these social relations and find the intellectual means to build equality.