21.11.2022 – Sophie Cras, « L’économie au musée. Une histoire des savoirs économiques exposés (XIXe-XXIe siècle) »

We are pleased to welcome Sophie Cras to present on her recent work "L'économie au musée. Une histoire des savoirs économiques exposés (XIXe-XXIe siècle)" at our first seminar of this academic year. As in the previous year, the seminar consists of a brief presentation by the speaker, and a group discussion of a text that is distributed in advance. Sophie will briefly introduce her work with these slides, and we will use these texts to discuss her work.

Sophie Cras has studied financial economics and art history, and is an associate professor at the of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne where she teaches history of contemporary art. She has published in American Art, Texte zur Kunst, La revue de l'art and Archiv für Mediengeschichte, among others. In 2019, the English translation of L’économie à l’épreuve de l’art. Art et capitalism dans les années (Dijon, Presses du Reél), was published by Yale University Press, as The Artist as Economist. Art and Capitalism in the 1960s. American ArtTexte zur KunstLa revue de l’art et Archiv für Mediengeschichte. En 2019, la traduction anglaise de L’économie à l’épreuve de l’art. Art et capitalisme dans les années (Dijon, Presses du Reél), a été publiée chez Yale University Press, sous le titre The Artist as Economist. Art and Capitalism in the 1960s.

The seminar will be in hybrid form and we will also take questions from those attending online.

Venue: UNIL-Géopolis, room 2243, by public transport par les transports publics

Zoom : https://epfl.zoom.us/j/64303193114?pwd=NGJrYnlVajlYVFJSSVNTUXdwWUpvdz09 

Time and date: Monday 21 November, 11am-12.45

Informations : harro.maas@unil.ch

Jérôme Baudry, Gianenrico Bernasconi, Harro Maas et Bruno J. Strasser