Appels à communications
Sixth international meeting of the Transfopress network (Transnational network for the study of foreign language press) | Rome, May 15-17, 2019
Protesting in a Foreign Language: The foreign-language press and dissent
In collaboration with Istituto Centrale per la Catalogazione Unica (ICCU),Rome Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines(CHCSC)
The foreign-language press is an extremely varied, complex phenomenon, specifically defined as the press printed in languages that are different from the official language(s) of the country where it is published. While often underestimated because they are perceived as marginal or even “foreign”, foreign-language periodicals account for a substantial portion of the national presses of most countries and contribute to the development of very important historicaland contemporary phenomena. Specifically, they can be used as an alternative way to spread ideas and practices both in the country where they are printed and transnationally. (more…)
Ecole d’été METIS 2018 METIS | Summer School 2018: Applications now open
Culture de masse: nouvelles approches, nouveaux enjeux (XIX-XXIe siècles)
Mass Culture: New Approaches, New Issues (19th-20th centuries)
Appel à communications – Call for papers
Appel à communications: “Les périodiques comme médiateurs. Les périodiques dans l’écosystème de la culture imprimée et visuelle”
Le 7e colloque international de la European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit) abordera les périodiques comme médiateurs de publications alternatives ou expérimentales et comme tremplins vers d’autres activités éditoriales et culturelles du XVIIIe au XXIe siècle.
Appel à communications: “Théâtre et société en Suisse romande de la fin de l’Ancien Régime à l’entre-deux-guerres (1750-1939): pratiques et enjeux socio-culturels”
Université de Lausanne (Centre SHC, Section d’histoire, CUSO) 5-6 octobre 2018