The workshop will be held at the Alpine Classic Hotel (

How to reach Leysin from Geneva airport
The most convenient way is to travel by train. At the airport, pass the baggage claim and customs, turn left and walk through the hall by following the train icon and pass the sliding/revolving door in direction of the train station, which is indicated by the sign « SBB – CFF » .
The one-way journey to Leysin lasts approximately 2 hours. The easiest way is to take a train direction Brig, stop at Aigle and then you can take a train to Leysin. The train schedules can be found here.
Be sure to have a ticket before boarding the train.
How to reach the hotel from Leysin train station
The nearest train station to the hotel is Leysin Feydey
You can walk from Leysin Feydey (600 m, 10 min walk), see the itinary below