SERVAL allows a diffusion in Open Access (Green Road). The SNSF and the CRUS are co-signatories of the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge” of October 2003.
Reminder of some advantages of filing from the full text:
- Visibility of your publications
SERVAL broadcasts your work on the Internet. Your publications are accessible to researchers around the world without any commercial or financial barriers.
- Increase the impact of your work
Studies (example) have shown that documents published in Open Access are more cited than others.
- Response to the FNS Directive
Since September 2007, the Swiss National Fund requires the publications it has funded to be disseminated in Open Access.
- Archiving and perennial address
Long-term archiving of the full text is guaranteed. In addition, a Uniform Resource Name (URN) is assigned by UNIL, in collaboration with the National Library, to your publication if it contains the full text. This identifier can then be disseminated as a single and permanent reference to your publication.
Example: urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_365632A115576
More information on the constraints to be respected when depositing the full text (copyrighted version, copyrights).