1. Data analysis
The healthcare research platform staff can perform or help you in performing a wide range of statistical analyses. The platform is experienced in doing analyses for systematic reviews (i.e. meta-analysis, meta-regressions, network meta-analysis), evaluations of measurement properties (reliability, measurement error, agreement, diagnostic test accuracy, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, etc.), analysis of associations, causal inference analyses, structural equation modeling, analyses of case-control studies, cohort studies or randomized controlled trials (parallel design, cross-over, clustered). If you would like to perform the analysis yourself, the platform can assist you with checklists, code templates, interpretation-guides, error detection procedures, etc. The platform puts an emphasis on reproducible analyses, i.e. that all steps are documented with executable code.
If you would like to make the data available along with your manuscript, the platform can help you to make sure that the data do not allow the identification of individuals, and can assist you in the production of meta-data so that data and meta-data both fulfill the FAIR principles (i.e. data and meta-data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (see also services related to the Data Management Plan (DMP)).
2. Writing of reports, scientific articles, etc.
La plateforme de recherche en soins peut vous guider dans la rédaction de protocoles de recherche, de demandes de subventions ou de soumissions au comité d’éthique. Pour la writing of reports and scientific manuscripts, the platform can provide various tools and services such as tools and advice to identify the best matching journals to increase the chances of acceptance and to make sure that the article is read by the target audience. La plateforme peut vous aider à produire des tableaux et des figures, y compris le formatage demandé par la revue cible correspondante. Elle peut réviser votre manuscrit conformément aux lignes directrices applicables aux rapports. Elle peut également vous fournir des outils pour les contrôles anti-plagiat ou vous aider à résoudre les problèmes de licence (par exemple, obtenir l’autorisation de réutiliser une figure, trouver la licence appropriée pour votre manuscrit).