- How Trade Sanctions Reshaped Russia’s EconomyDzhamilya Nigmatulina, Assistant Professor of Economics at HEC Lausanne (UNIL), recently shared her insights on the economic impact of the 2022 trade sanctions on Russia in an interview with Tim Phillips on the VoxTalks Economics podcast. The conversation examined how these political measures were implemented and investigated the extent…
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How Trade Sanctions Reshaped Russia’s Economy
Dzhamilya Nigmatulina, Assistant Professor of Economics at HEC Lausanne (UNIL), recently shared her insights on the economic impact of the 2022 trade sanctions on Russia in an interview…
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In the fourth post of reimagining healthcare, our academics look at data privacy and health. The volume of health data is growing, the healthcare industry alone generates 30%…
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In this third post of reimagining healthcare, Prof. Dominic Rohner, HEC Lausanne (UNIL) looks at how conflict is linked to the health of a population. If nations invest…