The Leading House Asia: Research Partnership Grants ASEAN

The goal of the Research Partnership Grants ASEAN is to establish new scientific collaborations between Switzerland-​based scientists and collaborators in one or multiple ASEAN member states: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, …

Scholarships for stays in Slovakia

The Slovak Academic Information Agency and the Ministry of Education, Science Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic invite applications for scholarships under the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak …

Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023-24

La Fondation Azrieli annonce son programme international de bourses de recherche postdoctorales dans notamment les domaines des sciences humaines et sociales au sein d’universités israéliennes La bourse est ouverte aux candidat·e·s …

The British Academy : Visiting Fellowships 2023

Le programme de Visiting Fellowships 2023 de la British Academy offre aux chercheur·e·s d'excellence la possibilité de travailler dans un établissement d'enseignement supérieur ou de recherche britannique. Le programme est …