Academic programme

[We are currently cross-checking registrations and requests for changes. The updated version of the academic programme will be posted by the end of July 2024. If you find any errors and/or require changes, please send them to us as soon as possible:]

The detailed overview of the conference is available for download:

Please note that the designation “online” means that at least one contributor will be participating remotely and, at minimum, their block of the session will be available online. In most cases, the majority of participants will be in Lausanne and only one or two contributors will be participating remotely so we encourage in-person conference attendees to go to the designated room to view the talks.

The conference booklet will be published shortly. In the meanwhile, information about specific sections of the programme can be found on their respective pages:

Monday 26 August 2024
13:30-14:30Conference Opening and Award Ceremony
14:30-15:30Plenary Lecture 1
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-18:00Session 1: Seminars & Roundtables
18:30-20:30Welcome Apéro
Tuesday 27 August 2024
9:00-10:00Plenary Lecture 2
10:00-10:30ESSE General Assembly
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-13:00Session 2: Seminars, Roundtables & Doctoral Symposium
13:00-14:30Lunch break
14:30-15:30Parallel Lectures: Session 1
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-18:00Session 3: Seminars, Roundtables & Doctoral Symposium
18:00-19:30Poster Session including Apéro
Wednesday 28 August 2024
9:00-10:00Parallel Lectures: Session 2
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30Session 4: Seminars, Roundtables & Doctoral Symposium
12:30-14:00Lunch break
14:00-16:00Session 5: Seminars, Roundtables & Doctoral Symposium
16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-18:30Session 6: Seminars, Roundtables & Doctoral Symposium
20:00-23:00Conference Soirée at the Café of the Olympic Museum
Thursday 29 August 2024
9:00-10:00Plenary Lecture 3
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30Session 7: Seminars & Roundtables
12:30-14:00Lunch break
14:00-15:00Parallel Lectures: Session 3
15:00-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:30Session 8: Seminars & Roundtables
Friday 30 August 2024
9:00-10:00Parallel Lectures: Session 4
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30Session 9: Seminars & Roundtables
12:30-13:00Conference Closing