Anita Auer, Tino Oudesluijs & Nils Langer organised the 12th Summer School in Historical Sociolinguistics, which took place at the Université de Lausanne from 22-29 July 2018.
List of the summer school teachers and course titles:
- Suzanne Aalberse (Amsterdam): Bilingual optimization strategies in language change
- Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster): Corpus approaches to Early Modern English: The case of Shakespeare’s language
- Spiros Moschonas (Athens): Standards and standardizations
- Taru Nordlund (Helsinki): Promotion and invisibilization of languages. Nationalistic language policy and its impact of sociolinguistic landscape
- Simon Pickl (Salzburg): Exploring historical orality
- Israel Sanz-Sanchez (West Chester): Doing historical sociolinguistics in messy environments: The construction of language change narratives and the colonial expansion of Iberian languages

Descriptions and testimonials of the summer school can be found below:
- Testimonial (in English) by Vince Liégeois from Ghent University (Belgium)
- Description (in German) by Franziska Ebner from the University of Erlangen (Germany)
- Description (in German) by Jan Niklas Heinrich from the University of Flensburg (Germany)