Research papers
Rozenblat, C., Mariño, D., Bidault-Waddington, R. (2023). Actors of Urban Health at World and Continental Scales: An Intercontinental Comparison of Urban Health Actions Using Topic Modeling on a Large Worldwide Web Mining (2000–2021). In: Fusco Girard, L., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. (eds) The Future of Liveable Cities. Footprints of Regional Science(). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37466-1_13
PhD Thesis
Haokun Liu (2023-2028): Unearthing Urban Health: Insights from Complexity and Geospatial Data Science
Online course
MOOC Healthy Urban Systems – teaser
Specialisation with the 3 parts – Coursera page
PART I: Modules 1 & 2: Concepts and Observation – Coursera page
MODULE 1: A multidisciplinary framework
MODULE 2: Observing, measuring, and representing
PART II: Modules 3 & 4: Theories and Models – Coursera page
MODULE 3: Theoretical frameworks
MODULE 4: Tools for modeling
PART III: Modules 5 & 6: Design and Policies – Coursera page
MODULE 5: Scenario design
MODULE 6: Policies and governance
Continuing education: UNIL-EPFL page