5th of May (Extranef – salle 125)
Morning: 9h30-12h30
- Charles Bohan
Worldwide Cities’ Network of the Motor Industry
Work on Tulip - Bérengère Gautier
Comparing worldwide networks of multinational firms in agro-food sector
Work on Tulip - Marco Salvini
Comparison of city networks
Work on NWB - Céline Rozenblat
Multi-level and multi-dimensional networks
Work on Tulip
12h30-14h: lunch
Afternoon: 14h-18h
- Laurent Beauguitte
Political geography and graph analysis
UCINET, Pajek, R - François Queyroi
Partitioning hierarchical methods: application to commuters’ flows - Guy Mélançon
Some reflections about geographical graphs visualizations
Definition of working groups
6th of May (Anthropole, IGUL – salle 4070.1)
Morning: 9h30-12h30
Working groups
12h30-14h: lunch
Afternoon: 14h-18h
Synthesis of working groups
Sessions are open, please kindly register to Céline Rozenblat (celine.rozenblat@unil.ch)
Les journées sont ouvertes au public. Inscription auprès du Prof. Céline Rozenblat