
Hello, I am


UNIL | Université de Lausanne – HEC

Department of Information Systems (DESI)

Internef Building, Office 236

CH-1015 Lausanne


Hey everyone,

I am Amirsiavosh (feel free to just call me Amir! 🙂 ). I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Information Systems at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Lausanne. My research mainly focus on sociotechnical aspects of generative AI especially LLMs. Beside the social aspects, I am deeply invested in the potentials of ML and agent-based simulation. Beside research I would enjoy hanging out in the nature and play video games.

Curriculum Vitae


  • 2022 – present: Ph.D. in Information Systems, HEC Lausanne
  • 2019 – 2022: Master of science in mechanical engineering with a minor in management, technology and entrepreneurship, EPFL
  • 2014 – 2019: Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering, University of Tehran

Professional Experience

  • Sept. 2022 – Dec. 2022: Research assistant at LBO, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Mar. 2022 – Sept. 2022: Medical safety intern, Johnson & Johnson, Switzerland
  • Jul. 2021 – Mar. 2022: Research assistant at LBO, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Aug. 2020 – Feb. 2021: Image processing intern, AO research institute, Switzerland


  • Bashardoust, A., Negin, S., Haki, K., & Shrestha, Y. R. (2023) Employing Machine Learning to Advance Agent-based Modeling in Information Systems Research International Conference on Information Systems (We got the honour of winning the first best student paper runner up)
  • Bashardoust, A., Feuerriegel, S., & Shrestha, Y. R. (2024). Comparing the willingness to share for human-generated vs. AI-generated fake newsarXiv preprint arXiv:2402.07395. (Accepted at CSCW 2024)


  •  HEC Research Fund 2023-2024
  • Swiss Academy of the Humanities & Social Sciences Travel Grants 
  • ICIS Student Best Paper Prize (2023) Runner-up

(Co-) Supervision

  • Yonah Bole: Design Principles for Generative Artificial Intelligence Augmented Creativity: Evidence from Game Development
  • Giacomo Rattazzi: Analysis of political bias in large language models in climate change discourse
  • Srivathshan Paramalingam: Evidence of generative AI use-cases from the auditing industry


  • August 2022 – present: Committee member of Omid association
  • Jul. 2021 – Aug. 2022: President of the Iranian Student Association at EPFL
  • Jul. 2020 – July 2021: Treasurer of the Iranian Student Association at EPFL
  • Feb. 2018 – Sept. 2019: Volunteer at Mahak hospital of children with cancer