Valérie Schafer

Valérie Schafer has been a Professor in Contemporary European History at the C²DH (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History) at the University of Luxembourg since February 2018. She previously worked at the CNRS in France and is still an Associate Researcher at the Center for Internet and Society (CIS – CNRS UPR 2000). She specialises in the history of computing, telecommunications and data networks. Her main research interests are the history of the Internet and the Web, the history of European digital cultures and infrastructures, and born-digital heritage (especially Web archives).
She is Vice-Chair of the ECREA Communication History Section, a member of the Management Committee of the “Tensions of Europe” network, and General Secretary of the Society for the History of Media (SPHM). She participated to OPERAS-P (H2020, 2019-2021) as a task leader on innovative models of governance, she is involved in the SNF Project Web Historyalbi (USI, Switzerland), in the DFG-FNR funded project Popkult (, 2021-2024) and she is one of the co-PI of the WARCnet project (supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark | Humanities (grant number 9055-00005B)) related to the study of trasnational web archives. She is also the PI of the AWAC2 cohort (Analysing Web Archives of the COVID Crisis through the IIPC Novel Coronavirus dataset, 2021-22) which is engaged in collaborative activities with the Archives Unleashed Project and benefit from its support and mentorship. She is the principal investigator of the HIVI project, a project running from March 2021 to February 2024, which is supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (C20/SC/14758148) and dedicated to the history of online virality. She is on the editorial board of the journals Le Temps des Médias, Flux and Cahiers François Viète and she is a co-founder of the journal Internet Histories. Digital Technology, Culture and Society (Taylor & Francis). She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Orange Group and of Afnic, the French domain name management company. She is part of the advisory group of HEXA-X (6G flagship initiative).
Robin Williams

Robin Williams is Director of the Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation at The University of Edinburgh. His studies of the ‘social shaping of technology’, apply the Biography of Artefacts perspective to address the design and implementation of information infrastructures through multi-site and longitudinal ethnographic investigation, most recently in relation to Health IT. His latest books, co-authored with Neil Pollock, are Software and Organisations:
The Biography of the Enterprise-Wide System (2009) and How Industry Analysts Shape the Digital Future (2016).
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