Please see for a full list of publications.
- Muhummed, A., Alemu, A., Hosch, S., Osman, Y., Tschopp, R., Yersin, S., Schindler, T., Hattendorf, J., Zinsstag, J., Cissé, G., Vonaesch, P., 2024, Fecal carriage of ESBL-producing E. coli and genetic characterization in rural children and livestock in the Somali region, Ethiopia: a one health approach. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control 13, 148. doi: 10.1186/s13756-024-01502-5
- Lazaridis II, Bosch AJT, Keller L, Low AJY, Tamarelle J, Moser SO, Winter DV, Gómez C, Peterson CJ, Schneider R, Kraljević M, Odermatt A, Vonaesch, P, Peterli R, Delko T, Cavelti-Weder C,2024, Metabolic outcomes in obese mice undergoing one-anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) with a long or a short biliopancreatic limb, Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Apr 17. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00327.2023. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38630050
- Yersin S, Vonaesch, P, 2024, Small intestinal microbiota: from taxonomic composition to metabolism, Trends Microbiol. 2024 Mar 18:S0966-842X(24)00056-8. doi: 10.1016/j.tim.2024.02.013. Online ahead of print, PMID: 38503579
- Yersin S, Garneau JR, Schneeberger PHH, Osman KA, Cercamondi CI, Muhummed AM, Tschopp R, Zinsstag J, Vonaesch P., 2023, Gut microbiomes of agropastoral children from the Adadle region of Ethiopia reflect their unique dietary habits, Sci Rep. 2023 Dec 1;13(1):21342. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-47748-8.PMID: 38049420
- Burz SD, Causevic S, Dal Co A, Dmitrijeva M, Engel P, Garrido-Sanz D, Greub G, Hapfelmeier S, Hardt W-D, Hatzimanikatis V, Heiman CM, Herzog MK-M, Hockenberry A, Keel C, Keppler A, Lee S-J, Luneau J, Malfertheiner L, Mitri S, Ngyuen B, Oftadeh O, Pacheco AR, Peaudecerf F, Resch G, Ruscheweyh H-J, Sahin A, Sanders IR, Slack E, Sunagawa S, Tackmann J, Tecon R, Ugolini GS, Vacheron J, van der Meer JR, Vayena E, Vonaesch P, Vorholt JA., 2023, From microbiome composition to functional engineering, ones tep at a time, Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2023 Dec 20;87(4):e0006323. doi: 10.1128/mmbr.00063-23. Epub 2023 Nov 10.
- Razanajatovo, IM, Andrianomiadana, A, Habib, A, Randrianarisoa, MM, Razafimanjato, H, Rakotondrainipiana, M, Andriantsalama, P, Ravaka Randriamparany, P, Andriamandimby, SF, Vonaesch, P, Sansonetti, P, Lacoste, V, Randremanana, RV, Collard, JM, Heraud, JM, 2023, Asymptomatic carriage of enteropathogenic and non-enteric viruses in healthy and stunted children in Antananarivo, Madagascar, Pathogens. 2023 Aug 2;12(8):1009. doi: 10.3390/pathogens12081009.PMID: 37623969
- Abukhattab, S, Hosch, S, Abu-Rmeileh, N, Hasan, S, Vonaesch, P, Crump, L, Hattendorf, J, Claudia Daubenberger, C, Zinsstag, J, and Schindler, T, 2023, Whole Genome Sequencing for One Health Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in Conflict Zones: A Case Study of Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. in the West Bank, Palestine, Appl Environ Microbiol. 2023 Sep 1:e0065823. doi: 10.1128/aem.00658-23. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37655921
- Vonaesch, P#, Billy, V, Mann, AE, Morien, E, Habib, A, Collard, JM, Dédé, M, Kapel, N, Sansonetti#, PJ, Wegener Parfrey#, L, for the Afribiota Investigators, 2023, The eukaryome of African children is influenced by geographic location, gut biogeography, and nutritional status, accepted in MicroLife # co-corresponding authors
- Lanker, KC, Muhummed, AM, Cisse, G, Zinsstag, J, Hattendorf, J, Yusuf, RB, Hassen, SB, Tschopp, R, Vonaesch, P, 2023, Prevalence and associated risk factors of intestinal parasitic infections among children in pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in the Adadle woreda of the Somali Region of Ethiopia, PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2023 Jul 3;17(7):e0011448. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011448. eCollection 2023 Jul.
- Tamarelle, J.*, Creze, M. M.*, Savathdy, V., Phonekeo, S., Wallenborn, J., Siengsounthone, L., Fink, G., Odermatt, P., Kounnavong, S., Sayasone, S., & Vonaesch, P. (2023). Dynamics and consequences of nutrition-related microbial dysbiosis in early life: study protocol of the VITERBI GUT project. Frontiers in nutrition, 10, 1111478. (*share first authorship).
- Asare PT, Lee CH, Hürlimann V, Teo Y, Cuénod A, Akduman N, Gekeler C, Afrizal A, Corthesy M, Kohout C, Thomas V, de Wouters T, Greub G, Clavel T, Pamer EG, Egli A, Maier L, Vonaesch P. A MALDI-TOF MS library for rapid identification of human commensal gut bacteria from the class Clostridia. Front Microbiol. 2023 Feb 21;14:1104707. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1104707. PMID: 36896425; PMCID: PMC9990839.
- Vonaesch, P#, Araújo, JR, Gody, JC, Mbecko, JR, Sanke, H, Andrianonimiadana, L, Naharimanananirina, T, Nigateloum, C, Vondo, SS, Gondje, P, Rodriguez-Pozo, A, Rakotondrainipiana, M, Kandou, KJE, Nestoret, A, Kapel, N, Djorie, SG, Wegener Parfrey, L, Collard, JM, Randremanana, RV, Sansonetti, PJ#, for the Afribiota Investigators, 2022, Stunted children display ectopic small intestinal colonization by oral bacteria which cause lipid malabsorption in experimental models, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119(41), e2209589119. # co-corresponding authors
- Bagamian, KH, Puett, C, Anderson, JD, Muhib, F, Pecenka, C, Behrman, J, Breiman, RF, Edoka, I, Horton, S, Kang, G, Kotloff, KL, Lanata, CF, Platts-Mills, JA, Qadri, F, Rogawski McQuade, ET, Sudfeld, C, Vonaesch, P, Wierzba, TF, Scheele, S, 2022, Could a Shigella vaccine impact long-term health outcomes?: Summary report of an expert meeting to inform a Shigella vaccine public health value proposition, March 24 and 29, 2021, Vaccine: X, Volume 12, 2022, 100218, ISSN 2590-1362,
- Vonaesch, P#, Winkel, M, Kapel, N, Nestoret, A, Barbot-Trystram, L, Pointezeau, C, Barouki, R, Rakotondrainipiana, M, Kandou, K, Andrianamantena, Z, Andrianonimiadana, L, Habib, A, Rodriguez-Pozo, A, Hasan, M, Vigan-Womas, I, Collard, JM, Gody, JC, Djorie, S, Sansonetti, P and Randremanana, RV for the Afribiota Investigators, Putative biomarkers of Environmental Enteric Disease fail to correlate in two study sites in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nutrients 2022 Aug 12;14(16):3312. doi: 10.3390/nu14163312., # corresponding author
- Randrianarisoa MM, Rakotondrainipiana M, Randriamparany R, Andriantsalama PV, Randrianarijaona A, Habib A, Robinson A, Raharimalala L, Hunald FA, Etienne A, Collard JM, Randrianirina F, Barouki R, Pontoizeau C, Nestoret A, Kapel N, Sansonetti P, Vonaesch P, Randremanana RV., Factors associated with anemia among preschool-age children in underprivileged neigbhourhoods in Antananarivo, Madagascar, BMC Public Health. 2022 Jul 9;22(1):1320. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13716-6.
- Andriamanantena Z, Randrianarisaona F, Rakotondrainipiana M, Andriantsalama P, Randriamparany R, Randremanana R, Randrianirina F, Novault S, Duffy D, Huetz F, Hasan M, Schoenhals M, Sansonetti PJ, Vonaesch P, Vigan-Womas I; Afribiota Investigators.; Changes in Systemic Regulatory T cells, Effector T cells and Monocyte Populations Associated with Early-Life Stunting, Front Immunol 2022 Jun 2;13:864084. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.864084. eCollection 2022.
- Collard, JM, Andrianonimiadana, L, Habib, A, Rakotondrainipiana, M, Andriantsalama, P, Randriamparany, R, Rabenandrasana, M.A.N. , Weill, FX, Sauvonnet, N, Randremanana, RV, Guillemot, V, Vonaesch, P, Sansonetti, PJ for the Afribiota Investigators, High prevalence of small intestine bacteria overgrowth and asymptomatic carriage of enteric pathogens in stunted children in Antananarivo, Madagascar, PLoS Negl Trop Dis . 2022 May 9;16(5):e0009849. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009849. eCollection 2022 May.
- Abukhattab S, Taweel H, Awad A, Crump L, Vonaesch P, Zinsstag J, Hattendorf J, Abu-Rmeileh NME. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Integrated Studies on Salmonella and Campylobacter Prevalence, Serovar, and Phenotyping and Genetic of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Middle East—A One Health Perspective. Antibiotics. 2022; 11(5):536.
- Wallenborn JT, Vonaesch P. Intestinal microbiota research from a global perspective. Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf). 2022 Apr 11;10:goac010. doi: 10.1093/gastro/goac010. PMID: 35419206; PMCID: PMC8996373.
- Huus, KE, Hoang, T, Creus-Cuadros, A, Vogt, S, Knuff-Janzen, K, Cirstea, M, Sansonetti, P, Vonaesch, P, and Finlay, BB, Cross-feeding between intestinal pathobionts promotes their overgrowth during undernutrition, Nature Communications 2021, Nov 25. doi : 10.1038/s41467-021-27191-x
- Vonaesch#, P, Djorie, SG, Kandou, KJE, Rakotondrainipiana, M, Schaeffer, L, Andriatsalama, PV, Randriamparany, R, Gondje, BP, Nigatoloum, S, Vondo, SS, Etienne, A, Robinson, A, Hunald, FA, Raharimalala, L, Giles-Vernick, T, Tondeur, L, Randrianirina, F, Bastaraud, A, Gody, JC, Sansonetti*, PJ, Randremanana#, *, RV for the AFRIBIOTA Investigators, Factors associated with stunted growth in children under five years in Antananarivo, Madagascar and Bangui, Central African Republic, Maternal and Child Health Journal 2021 Aug 12. doi: 10.1007/s10995-021-03201-8. Online ahead of print.
* co-last authors ; # co-corresponding authors
- Escher, N, Muhummed, A, Hattendorf, J, Vonaesch*, P & Zinsstag*, J, Systematic review and meta-analysis of integrated studies on antimicrobial resistance genes in Africa –A OneHealth perspective, Tropical Medicine and International Health 2021 Jun 17. doi: 10.1111/tmi.13642. Online ahead of print.
* co-last and co-corresponding authors
- Habib, A, Andrianonimiadana, L, Rakotondrainipiana, M Andriantsalama, P, Randriamparany, R, Randremanana, R Rakotoarison, R, Vigan-Womas, I, Rafalimanantsoa, A, Vonaesch, P, SAnsonsetti, P, Collard JM for the Afribiota Investigators, High prevalence of intestinal parasite infestations among stunted and control children aged 2 to 5 years old in two neighborhoods of Antananarivo, Madagascar, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021 Apr 20;15(4):e0009333. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009333. eCollection 2021 Apr.
- Huus, KE, Rodriguez-Pozo, A, Kapel, N, Nestoret, A, Habib, A, Dede, M, Collard, JM, Sansonetti*, PJ, Vonaesch, P*, Finlay, BB* for The Afribiota Investigators, Immunoglobulin recognition of fecal bacteria in stunted and non-stunted children: findings from the AFRIBIOTA study, Microbiome 8, 113 (2020).
*shared last authors
- Vonaesch, P, Morien, E, Andrianonimiadana, L, Sanke, H, Mbecko, JR, Huus, KE, Naharimanananirina, T, Gondje, BP, Nigatoloum, SN, Vondo, SS, Kandou, KJE, Randremanana, R, Rakotondrainipiana, M, Mazel, F, Djorie, SG, Gody, JC, Finlay, BB*, Rubbo, PA*, Wegener Parfrey, L*, Collard, JM, Sansonetti, PJ for the AFRIBIOTA Investigators, 2018, Stunted childhood growth is associated with decompartmentalization of the gastrointestinal tract and overgrowth of oropharyngeal taxa, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A (PNAS). 2018 Aug 20. pii: 201806573. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1806573115.
- Vonaesch, P, Randremanana, R, Gody, JC, Collard, JM, Giles-Vernick, T, Doria, M, Vigan-Womas, I, Rubbo, PA, Etienne, A, Andriatahirintsoa, EJ, Kapel, N, Brown, E, Huus, KE, Duffy, D, Finlay, BB, Hasan, M, Hunald, FA, Robinson, A, Manirakiza A, Wegener-Parfrey L, Vray M, Sansonetti PJ; AFRIBIOTA Investigators, 2018, Identifying the etiology and pathophysiology underlying stunting and environmental enteropathy: study protocol of the AFRIBIOTA project, BMC Pediatrics, 2018 Jul 19;18(1):236. doi: 10.1186/s12887-018-1189-5.
- Anderson, M*, Chaze, T*, Coïc, YM*, Injarabian, L, Jonsson F, Lombion, N, Souphron, Ridley, C, Vonaesch, P, Baron, B, Arena, ET, Tinevez, JY, Nigro, G, Nothelfer, K, Lapierre, V, Larzure, T, Matondo, M, Thornton, D, Baleux, F, Sansonetti, PJ, Marteyn, BS, 2018, The MUB40 peptide binds to neutrophil lactoferrin and stands as a novel inflammation biomarker, Cell Chemical Biology 2018 Apr 19;25(4):483-493.e9.
- Vonaesch, P, Anderson, M & Sansonetti, PJ, 2018, Pathogens, microbiome and the host: emergence of the ecological Koch’s postulates, FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 2018 May 1;42(3):273-292. doi: 10.1093/femsre/fuy003.
- Vonaesch, P, Tondeur, L Breurec, S, Bata, P, Nguyen LBL, Frank T, Farra, A, Rafai, C, Giles-Vernick, T, Gody, JC, Gouandjika-Vassilache I, Sansonetti PJ, Vray, M; 2017, Factors associated with stunting in healthy children aged 5 years and less living in Bangui (RCA), PLoS One. 2017 Aug 10;12(8):e0182363. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182363.
- Anderson, MC, Vonaesch, P, Saffarian, A, Marteyn, BS, Sansonetti, PJ. 2017 Shigella sonnei encodes a functional T6SS used for interbacterial competition and niche occupancy, Cell Host Microbe 2017 Jun 14;21(6):769-776.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2017.05.004
- Brown, EM, Wlodarska, M, Willing BP, Vonaesch, P, Han J, Reynolds, LA, Arrieta, MC, Uhrig, M, Scholz, R, Partida, O, Borchers, CH, Sansonetti, PJ, Finlay, BB, 2015, Diet and Specific Microbial Exposure Reproduce Features of Environmental Enteropathy in a Murine Model, Nature Communications 2015 Aug 4;6:7806. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8806.6, Article number: 7806, doi:10.1038/ncomms8806 Published 04 August 2015
Host-pathogen interactions
- Vonaesch, P*, Sansonetti, P. J., Schnupf, P*. 2017, Immunofluorescence Analysis of Stress Granule Formation After Bacterial Challenge of Mammalian Cells. Journal of Visual Experimentation (JOVE) (), e55536, doi:10.3791/55536 (2017).
- Vonaesch, P*, Campbell-Valois, FX, Sansonetti, PJ, Schnupf, P*, 2016, Shigella flexneri modulates stress granule composition and inhibits stress granule aggregation, Cellular Microbiology 2016 Jul;18(7):982-97. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12561.
- Abdelkader, AS, Granger Farbos, A, Amadou Hamidou, A, Vonaesch, P, Jusot, JF Koeck, JL and Collard, JM, 2015, MLVA typing on Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 strains isolated from meningitis cases in Niger before the introduction of PCV-13 reveal a low genetic diversity, Transactions of the Royal Society in Tropical Medecine and Hygiene 2015 May 1. pii: trv033.
- Vonaesch, P, Sellin, ME; Cardini, S, Singh, V, Barthel, M, Hardt, WD, 2014, The Salmonella Typhimurium effector protein SopE transiently localizes to the SCV and contributes to intracellular replication, Cellular Microbiology 2014 Jul 23. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12333.
- Vonaesch, P, Cardini, S, Sellin, ME, Goud, B, Hardt, WD, Schauer, K., 2013, Salmonella Typhimurium infection in patterned, epithelial cells reveals insights into actin rearrangements and bacterial target site selection, Cellular Microbiology 2013 Nov;15(11):1851-65. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12154.
- Misselwitz, B*, Barrett, N*, Kreibich, S, Vonaesch, P, Andritschke, D, Rout, S, Weidner, K, Sormaz, M, Songhet, P, Horvath, P, Chabria, M, Vogel, V, Spori DM, Jenny, P, Hardt, WD, 2012, Near Surface Swimming of Salmonella Typhimurium Explains Target-Site Selection and Cooperative Invasion, PLoS Pathogens 8(7): e1002810.
*These authors contributed equally to the work.
- Misselwitz, B*, Dilling, S*, Vonaesch, P*, Sacher, R, Snijder, B, Schlumberger, M, Rout, S, Stark, M, von Mering, C, Pelkmans, L, Hardt, WD, 2011, RNAi screen of Salmonella invasion shows role of COPI in membrane targeting of cholesterol and Cdc42, Molecular Systems Biolology. 15;7:474
*co-first authors
Contribution to book chapters
- Szelecsenyi, A ; Meier, H ; Spinner, K ; Vonaesch, P ; Zinsstag, J ; Widmer, A, Emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance and Interaction between Humans, Animals and Environment, in : Zinsstag, J., Schelling E., Crump, L., Whittaker, M., Tanner, M., and Stephen, C. (2020) One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches, 2nd edition. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
- Vonaesch, P, Paris, D, Abongomera, C, Nutritional deficiencies and health in refugees- Situation report, in: Daniel Paris, Migration Health