
Our group is currently implicated in teaching in microbiology, host-pathogen interactions and the role of the microbiome in a One Health concept.

We are also implicated in the supervision of students, both first step and Master projects. Contact us if you are interest to do your project in our group, we are always open to welcoming students!  

Teaching at UNIL

Different members of our group are currently teaching in the course “Microbiome Analysis” and within the practicals for the “Biologie des Prokaryotes” as well as “Sequence a genome”.

Pascale teaches at the Bachelor level the course “Biologie des Prokaryotes” as well as in the Course “Interactions Biotiques” and on Master level in the Master of Science in Medical Biology within the track “Metabolism & Human Health”.

We also regularly host First Step and Master students from UNIL as well as other Universities from across the world.

Teaching at other Universities

Pascale is still implicated in teaching at the Swiss TPH, where the group was formerly associated. She teaches classes in the “One Health” and “Advanced One Health” classes by Prof. Jakob Zinsstag.
