Ont été ou sont actifs dans le Vallon les projets suivants, menés en général autour des groupes de la FGSE et de la FBM, parfois autour de travaux de Master ou de thèse de doctorat ou en lien avec d’autres institutions universitaires romandes et alémaniques :
relevés météorologiques et monitoring, dynamique des sols, respiration des sols, flux de carbone, étude de l’hydrologie du Vallon, processus hydrologiques, géomorphologie de la végétation, dynamique évolutive des sols, dendrochronologie, mechanisms of calcium-mediated soil organic carbon stabilisation, traçage sédimentaire, réchauffement climatique, faune, inventaire faunistique, pédologie et micro-organismes, végétation, caractérisation hydrologique du Vallon, étude géophysique, projet crowd-water de médiation scientifique, biodiversity and biogeography of soil protists in continental and oceanic islands, …

Ces travaux donnent lieu à des publications dont voici quelques exemples :
Publications sur le Vallon de Nant
- Investigating the influence of Ca on soil organic carbon dynamics in a Swiss subalpine grassland with a natural variation in CaCO3 concentration. MC Rowley, S Grand, J Spangenberg, EP Verrecchia, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B21H-2298
- Novel insights into the influence of calcium on SOC dynamics: the indirect effects of CaCO3 on SOC cycling in a Swiss subalpine grassland. MC Rowley, S Grand, J Spangenberg, E Verrecchia, Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
- A 3D geological model of a structurally complex Alpine region as a basis for interdisciplinary research. Thornton, J. M., G. Mariethoz, and P. Brunner. 2018. Scientific Data 5:180238.
- Variation in Soil Respiration across Soil and Vegetation Types in an Alpine Valley. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0163968, Grand S, Rubin A, Verrecchia EP, Vittoz P, 2016
Et un classique plus ancien:
- Biodiversité du Vallon de Nant, Plumettaz-Clot AC, D. Cherix, F. Dessimoz, JL Gattolliat, P Gmur, P. Vittoz, M. Vust (Eds), Mémoire de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences naturelles, vol. 23, juillet 2009.
Mémoires et thèses
- Investigating calcium mediated accumulation of soil organic carbon at the Nant Valley alpage, Vaud Alps, Switzerland, MC Rowley, PhD Thesis, 2020.
- Fully-integrated hydrological modelling in steep, snow-dominated, geologically complex Alpine terrain. JM Thornton, PhD Thesis, University of Neuchâtel, 2020, 293 p.
- L’influence des facteurs environnementaux sur la respiration des sols au Vallon de Nant (VD). Blattner, Mémoire UNIL-UNIGE en sciences de l’environnement, 2017, 86 p. (sous les directions de S. Stoll, P. Vittoz et E.P. Verrecchia)
Publications partiellement sur le Vallon de Nant ou dans la périphérie
- Radar and Rain Gauge Data Fusion Based on Disaggregation of Radar Imagery. Benoit, L. Water Resources Research 57(2): e2020WR027899, 2021
- A cascading influence of calcium carbonate on the biogeochemistry and pedogenic trajectories of subalpine soils, Switzerland, MC Rowley, S Grand, T Adatte, EP Verrecchia, Geoderma 361, 114065, 7, 2020
- Novel insights into the influence of calcium on SOC dynamics: the indirect effects of CaCO3 on SOC cycling in a Swiss subalpine grassland. MC Rowley, S Grand, J Spangenberg, E Verrecchia, Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
- Spatial modelling of soil water holding capacity improves models of plant distributions in mountain landscapes. Cianfrani, C., A. Buri, P. Vittoz, S. Grand, B. Zingg, E. Verrecchia, and A. Guisan. Plant and Soil 438(1-2): 57-70. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-019-04016-x, 2019
- Influence of microclimate and geomorphological factors on alpine vegetation in the Western Swiss Alps. Giaccone, E., M. Luoto, P. Vittoz, A. Guisan, G. Mariéthoz, and C. Lambiel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44:3093-3107, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4715, 2019
- Disentangling the processes driving plant assemblages in mountain grasslands across spatial scales and environmental gradients. Scherrer D., Mod H.K., Pottier J., Litsios-Dubuis A., Pellissier L., Vittoz P., Götzenberger L., Zobel M. & Guisan A. Journal of Ecology 107: 265-278. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13037, 2019
- Calcium-mediated stabilisation of soil organic carbon, MC Rowley, S Grand, ÉP Verrecchia, Biogeochemistry 137(1), 27-49, 149, 2018
- Stochastic Rainfall Modeling at Sub-kilometer Scale. Benoit, L., D. Allard and G. Mariethoz, Water Resources Research 54(6): 4108-4130, 2018
- Improvement of macroecological models of mountain grasslands: effects of land use, edaphic and high-resolution topoclimatic factors. Baudraz M., J.-N. Pradervand, M. Beauverd, A. Guisan & P. Vittoz, Journal of Biogeography 45: 429-437. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13129, 2018
- Uneven rate of plant turnover along elevation in grasslands. Descombes P., P. Vittoz, A. Guisan & L. Pellissier. Alpine Botany 127(1): 53-63. DOI: 10.1007/s00035-016-0173-7, 2017
- Assessing and predicting shifts in mountain forest composition across 25 years of climate change. Scherrer D., S. Massy, S. Meier, P. Vittoz & A. Guisan, Diversity and Distributions 23(5): 517-528. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12548, 2017
- Community-level relaxation of plant defenses against herbivores at high elevation. Callis-Duehl K., P. Vittoz, E. Defossez & S. Rasmann, Plant Ecology 218: 291-304. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-016-0688-4, 2017
- The abundance, diversity and metabolic footprint of soil nematodes is highest in high elevation alpine grasslands. Kergunteuil A., R. Campos-Herrera, S. Sánchez-Moreno, P. Vittoz & S. Rasmann, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4: 84. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00084, 2016
- Lane S., L. Borgeaud & P. Vittoz (2016). Emergent geomorphic-vegetation interactions on a subalpine alluvial fan. Lane S., L. Borgeaud & P. Vittoz, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41(1): 72-86. 2016
Mémoires et thèses partiellement sur le Vallon de Nant ou dans la périphérie
- Geomorphological Characteristics as Predictors for Vegetation Models in Alpine Environment. Giaccone E. Thèse. Université de Lausanne, 2020
- Testing the power of remotely sensed snow cover duration to predict plant species distributions in alpine ecosystems. Panchard, T., Master thesis, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2019
- Improving alpine plant species distribution models with high resolution remote sensed snow cover. Master thesis. UNIL, Lausanne, Boserup, J., 2018.
- UAV-based thermal remote sensing to highlight groundwater inputs in rivers. Vallat, R., Master thesis. University of Lausanne, Lausanne Switzerland, 2017