
Victor Anduze

PhD student, ENTPE Victor studied in IEDES – Paris 1 (Development, Mobilities and Territories) and in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His research focused on the city of Merida, capital of the state of Yucatán in Mexico. He first studied segregation and the use of public space in low-income neighbourhoods. He then studied the festive events in these neighbourhoods and their potential to change social and spatial relations at micro or meso scale. These works earned him the UNESCO Chair’s “Master’s Prize” of and the UNAM’s “Gustavo Baz Prada” medal. He has also worked for the Mexican Ministry of Social Development, in the Local Development Department. Fully anchored in interdisciplinarity, he mobilizes geographical and sociological methods and works mainly, within the project, on the case studies of Paris and Lyon.

Personal webpage

Anduze Rivero, V. (2020). Observer l’usage de l’espace (dans des espaces vides). Un séjour de terrain au Mexique en temps de coronavirus. EchoGéo, 52, Article 52.
Anduze Rivero, V. R. (2019). La participación y la apropiación del espacio público como fundamentos del derecho a la ciudad : Dos estudios de caso al sur de Mérida, Yucatán. Península, 14(1), 29‑50.

Fabrice Bardet

Directeur de recherches, ENTPE
Fabrice specializes in the sociology of quantification and of metropolitan policies. He first worked on the sociology of statistics, a field in which he published on various urban policies (planning, transport, road safety, housing). He then became interested in the politics of accounting quantification, resulting in a book (2014) in which he argues that the “probabilistic revolution” was succeeded, in the second half of the 20th century, by the rise of financial and managerial accounting quantifications. He is currently engaged in two other international research programs. The first investigates the forms of financial quantification, in partnership with the University of São Paulo, on the topic of “Valuing Urban Territories in the Anthropocene Era”. The second research program focuses on the “smart city”, in the frame of a partnership with the Diponegoro University of Semarang in Indonesia and a mandate of the Indonesian government, which is considering moving the historic national capital Jakarta to the island of Borneo (Wahyuddin, 2019).

Personal webpage

Bardet, F., Coulondre, A., & Shimbo, L. (2020). Financial natives : Real estate developers at work. Competition & Change, 24(3‑4), 203‑224. Bardet, F. (2014). La Contre-révolution comptable. Ces chiffres qui (nous) gouvernent. Les Belles Lettres.

Davide Ceccato

PhD student, University of Lausanne
Davide earned a Bachelor’s degree in History and Philosophy (Ethnolinguistics) at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. He then went on to earn a Master’s degree in International Relations at the same university and, after an internship in the field of international trade in Johannesburg, he graduated with a thesis on the rise of the South African gold mining industry. He subsequently completed a Master’s degree in Development Studies at the University of Sussex with a thesis on the prevalence of obesity among black South African women. Upon completion of his Masters, he took part in a WASH program with an NGO in Eastern Congo. Within the project, Davide works mainly on the city of Venice.

Roser Cussó

Professor, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Roser works on international quantification (UNESCO, World Bank, EU, etc.) and on the origin of IO statistics, especially in the case of the League of Nations (mandates, economic statistics, minorities). She has published about fifty articles and chapters on these issues. A professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne since 2014, she previously worked for a decade as a practitioner at UNESCO, notably in its Statistical Services. She therefore knows first-hand the process of international data production, from methodology and categorization to publication, including processing and calculation of indicators. She has developed original research on international quantification, on its political and technical specificities, through intergovernmental cooperation in particular. She defended a doctoral thesis on the World Bank’s population policies (2001) and completed a postdoc on the European Union (2003-2005).

Personal webpage

Cussó, R. (2020a). Building a Global Representation of Trade Through International Quantification : The League of Nations’ Unification of Methods in Economic Statistics. The International History Review, 42(4), 714‑736.
Cussó, R. (2020b). Aux origines de l’évaluation statistique internationale : La supervision des mandats par la Société des Nations. In P. Bourmaud, N. Neveu, & C. Verdeil (Éds.), Experts et expertise dans les mandats de la société des nations : Figures, champs, outils (p. 161‑188). Presses de l’Inalco.

Giovanni Favero

Professor, University Ca’Foscari of Venice
Giovanni is a professor of economic history at Ca’ Foscari University and was a visiting scholar in US businesses history at Harvard Business School in 2018/2019. He has worked on the city of Venice and its region in the contemporary age from a perspective that connects demography, transportation geography, and tourism economics . Most of his research focuses on quantification processes, both in statistics and accounting. In particular, he has been interested in the reciprocal legitimization between statistical approaches and political regimes, in the mechanisms of accounting and statistical data manipulation, and in the application of historical methods to management and business research. He is interested in the construction of new methods for the collection of massive data (or big data) in a historical perspective.

Personal webpage

Favero, G., Serruys, M.-W., & Sugiura, M. (Éds.). (2019). The Urban Logistic Network : Cities, Transport and Distribution in Europe from the Middle Ages to Modern Times. Palgrave Macmillan.
Stoycheva, S., & Favero, G. (2020). Research methodology for ethnostatistics in organization studies : Towards a historical ethnostatistics. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 9(3), 327‑342. (Open Access)

Valérian Geffroy

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Lausanne
In 2020, Valérian defended a PhD thesis in geography on the spatialities of nature sports tourism, approaching the phenomenon from various perspectives: as a community of practices, as a physical and material engagement with “nature”, as a set of specialized geographical knowledge, as a leisure mobility with a high personal investment, and even as a lifestyle. Within the project, he is in charge of the analysis of national statistical systems. Within this framework, he will question, in particular, the differentiated construction of tourism as an economic and political category; the territorial dimension of the measurement of the tourism phenomenon; and the potential competition between public statistics and the new digital actors who promise the revolution through big data.

Personal webpage

Geffroy, V. (2020). Help or hindrance ? Media uses and discourses on media in outdoor sport tourism. In M. Stock (Éd.), Progress in French Tourism Geographies : Inhabiting Touristic Worlds (Springer).
Geffroy, V. (2017). ‘Playing with space’ : A conceptual basis for investigating active sport tourism practices. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 21(2), 95‑113.

Mathis Stock

Professor, University of Lausanne
Mathis is a geographer. He has directed the research group “Cultures and Natures of Tourism” at the Institute of Geography and Sustainability (IGD) of the University of Lausanne and the Master’s degree in Tourism Studies at the University of Lausanne. His research on tourism has a wide audience, through higher education textbooks among other publications. He also made important contributions to the field of mobility studies. He has been publishing for many years on the question of the urbanity of tourism in general and tourism in European cities in particular. He understands the massive touristification of cities as a “recreational turn” in reaction to the de-industrialization in Europe, a shift resulting from strategies and policies of tourist attractiveness. The co-presence of tourists and residents questions the right to the city, particularly with the phenomenon of “new urban tourism”, i.e. the spread of tourist practices in residential areas previously little affected by tourism. Cities deal with “visitor economies” in the broad sense where tourism plays an important role, but also with many kinds of urban consumption practices (“presential economies”).

Personal webpage

Stock, M. (2019). Inhabiting the City as Tourists : Issues for Urban and Tourism Theory. In T. Frisch, C. Sommer, L. Stoltenberg, & N. Stors (Éds.), Tourism and Everyday Life in the Contemporary City (p. 42‑66). Routledge. Stock, M., Coëffé, V., & Violier, P. (2017). Les enjeux contemporains du tourisme : Une approche géographique. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Partner: CISET

CISET – International Centre of Studies on Tourist Economics is a non-profit research organisation established more than 30 years ago – in 1991 – by Ca’ Foscari University Venice and the Veneto Regional Government. Through its consultancy, education and research activities, CISET provides the tourist industry, local administrations and future tourism operators with the tools to approach the market in innovative ways, and also supports tourism studies cooperating with academic institution.
