Moral diary of 1819

For the years 1819 and 1820, François-Marc-Louis Naville (1784-1846), a pastor and schoolteacher from Geneva, conceived two major moral diaries. After more than ten years of experimentation, he discovered the Mémorial horaire by Marc-Antoine Jullien (1775-1848) which he quickly adopted for his moral monitoring needs.

Here are the first two folios of Naville's Journal moral de 1819. It is a complex time-table system consisting of 51 columns divided into 6 main categories: physical, moral, intellectual, educational, ministerial and social. This table allows Naville to report the time spent on each of the 51 activities. His aim is not to waste any of the time available to him. In this way, he gives an account to himself, but also to God, of the use of his time, the most precious gift that God has given to mankind.