Outreach & media


With some colleagues, in 2009, I organized an exhibit on evolutionary robotics in the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne, as part of an exhibition celebrating the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”. Two robots, a predator and a prey, co-evolved live over the course of the year-long exhibition. The public could follow their evolution through an interactive interface.

I am a member of Sense about science, “a UK-based charitable trust to encourage an evidence-based approach to scientific and technological developments”.


Our recent paper (Niehus et al (2015) Nature Comms) attracted some media attention:

Headlines & Global News ‘Bacterial Sex’ Helps Spread Beneficial Traits, Antibiotic Resistance
The Medical News Oxford University researchers unlock the secret behind bacterial sex
Science Daily Scientists discover the secret behind the power of bacterial sex

My PhD work attracted significant media attention. Here are some links if you’d like to learn more about the project.

Newspapers & Magazines
NewScientist Robot swarms ‘evolve’ effective communication
Science & Vie Les succès du hasard pris sur le vif
The Telegraph Robots hold key to evolution of language
Frankfurter Allgemeine Die Stammtische der Roboterschwärme
Discover Magazine Robots evolve and learn how to lie
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Blechmänner zeigen Mitgefühl
La Repubblica I robot funzionano meglio se lavorano in gruppo
MIT Technology Review Robots ‘evolve’ the ability to deceive
Le Temps Pour durer, communiquons, foi de robots