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Zoom meeting | Between mobile privatization and privatized mobility. Looking at mobile media in historical perspective

May 27, 2020 @ 15:00

Between mobile privatization and privatized mobility. Looking at mobile media in historical perspective

Gabriele Balbi (USI Università della Svizzera italiana) e Paolo Magaudda (Università di Padova)

27 May 2020 03:00 PM

[English below]

L’historien des médias Gabriele Balbi (Université de la Suisse italienne) et le sociologue des médias Paolo Magaudda (Université de Padoue) donneront le séminaire « Between mobile privatization and privatized Mobility. Looking at the mobile media in historical perspective » le 27 mai prochain. Les spécialistes proposeront une perspective théorique sur la question et présenteront des études de cas plus particulièrement sur les technologies du son et la téléphonie mobile.

Organisée par le Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility & Humanities de l’Université de Padoue, la séance devait se dérouler  dans la ville italienne. En raisons des circonstances actuelles, elle a été déplacée sur Zoom. Il est possible de s’inscrire ici.

Media historian Gabriele Balbi (University of Italian-speaking Switzerland) and media sociologist Paolo Magaudda (University of Padua) will give the seminar “Between mobile privatization and privatized Mobility. Looking at the mobile media in historical perspective” on 27 May. The specialists will offer a theoretical perspective on the issue and present case studies with a focus on sound technologies and mobile telephony.

Organized by the Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility & Humanities of the University of Padua, the session was scheduled to take place in the Italian city. Due to current circumstances, it has been moved to Zoom. Registration on the following link.


May 27, 2020