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Episode 1: Uberto Gatti on criminology in Italy (episode recorded in French)

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Uberto Gatti.

Uberto Gatti is emeritus professor at the University of Genoa in Italy, where he was before full professor of criminology for many years and developed a program in criminology.

This episode was recorded in French on 4 May 2021.

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Episode 2: Cândido de Agra on criminology in Portugal (episode recorded in French)

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Candido de Agra.

Cândido da Agra is Emeritus Professor at the University of Porto, Portugal, where he developed since 2002 a pioneer program of studies in criminology. He is member of the Advisory Board of the International Centre for Comparative Criminology (ICCC) of the University of Montréal, where he was invited professor for many years. He received the Beaumont-Tocqueville Award in 2014.

This episode was recorded in French on 11 May 2021.

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Episode 3: Klaus Boers on criminology in Germany

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Klaus Boers.

Klaus Boers is professor of criminology at the University of Münster in Germany. Formerly, he held research and teaching positions at the Universities of Tübingen and at the Technical University of Dresden.

This episode was recorded on 25 May 2021.

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Episode 4: Jacques Farsedakis on criminology in Greece (episode recorded in French)

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Jacques Farsedakis.

Iakovos (Jacques, James) Farsédakis, is Emeritus Professor at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens, Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Law of the European University of Cyprus, Director of the Hellenic Center of Criminology, President of the Hellenic Society of Criminology, and “Beaumont-Tocqueville” award.

This episode was recorded in French on 31 May 2021.

His CV !

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Episode 5: Martin Killias on criminology in Switzerland

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Martin Killias.

Martin Killias is Emeritus Professor at the Universities of Lausanne, Zurich, and St Gallen. Formerly, he was professor of criminology in these three universities.

This episode was recorded on 4 June 2021.

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Episode 6: Hans-Jürgen Kerner on criminology in Germany

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Hans-Jürgen Kerner.

Hans-Jürgen Kerner is Emeritus Professor at the University of Tübingen in Germany, where he was before full professor and Director of the Institute of Criminology for many years. Formerly, he was Professor of Criminology at the universities of Bielefeld, Hamburg, and Heidelberg.

This episode was recorded on 10 November 2021.

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Episode 7: Frieder Dünkel on criminology in Germany

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Frieder Dünkel.

Frieder Dünkel is Emeritus Professor at the University of Greifswald. Formerly, he was full professor of criminology in Greifswald for many years, and there he developed a pioneer program of studies in criminology.

This episode was recorded on 17 November 2021.

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Episode 8: Friedrich Lösel on criminology in Germany

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Friedrich Lösel.

Friedrich Lösel is Emeritus Professor at the University of Cambridge in England, and at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) in Germany. Formerly, he was professor of psychology at the Universities of Bielefeld and Erlangen, tenured senior lecturer at Bamberg University and lecturer at Erlangen University.

This episode was recorded on 1 December 2021.

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Episode 9: Susanne Karstedt on criminology in Germany, England and Australia

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Susanne Karstedt.

Susanna Karstedt is Professor at the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice of Griffiths University in Australia. Formerly she held research and teaching positions at the Universities of Bielefeld and Hamburg in Germany and she was professor of criminology at Keele University and at the University of Leeds, in the United Kingdom.

This episode was recorded on 17 December 2021.

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Episode 10: Henrik Tham on criminology in Sweden

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Henrik Tham.

Henrik Tham is Professor Emeritus at the University of Stockholm and a former president of the ESC. His research interests comprise many areas among others criminal policy, its development and determinants, including research on the crime victim, narcotic drugs policy, and public attitudes to punishments.

This interview was conducted on 11 March 2022.

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Episode 11: Ernesto Savona on criminology in Italy

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Ernesto Savona.

Ernesto Savona is the Director of Transcrime, Joint Research Centre of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the Università degli Studi di Trento and since 2003 professor of Criminology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.

This interview was conducted on 18 March 2022.

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Episode 12: Per-Olöf Wikström on criminology in Sweden and England

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Per-Olof Wikström.

Per-Olof Wikström is Professor of Ecological and Developmental Criminology at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, He is the director of the Centre for Analytic Criminology.

This interview was conducted on 20 May 2022.

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Episode 13: Marc Cools on criminology in Belgium

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Marc Cools.

Cools Marc (°1962) holds a PhD in Criminology (Free University of Brussels) and certificates in Business Economics (IPO Management School- Antwerp University) and International Management in the Telecommunications Industry (London Business School).

He was member of the board at the Free University of Brussels. Currently, he is a member of the Belgian Intelligence Studies Center, the Union des Services de Renseignement et d’Actionand the Ghent Research Institute for Art and Cultural Heritage Crime and Law Enforcement. He lectured at the Antwerp Police Academy, the School for Criminology of the Justice Department, Antwerp Management School and Paris X La Défense Nanterre University. He was advisor for the former Belgian Justice Minister, Mr. Marc Verwilghen. 

Today he is Full Professor of Criminology at Ghent University, Visiting Professor at Université de Lorraine (Nancy), member of the scientific council Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – Criminologie (Paris) and teaches at the Belgian Intelligence & Security School of the Ministry of Defence.

This interview was conducted on 3 June 2022.

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Episode 14: Jerzy Sarnecki on criminology in Sweden and Poland

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Jerzy Sarniecki.

Jerzy Sarnecki is Professor of criminology at Stockholm University’s Department of Criminology is a regular commentator in the Swedish media on the subject of crime. Professor Sarnecki came to Sweden in 1968, where he earned a PhD in sociology at Stockholm University. His research interests are among others delinquent networks (youth co-offending) and network analysis, life course criminology. He has previously also worked for the Swedish National Council of Crime Prevention.

More informations about Jerzi Sarnecki

This interview was conducted on 10 June 2022.

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Episode 15: Helgi Gunnlaugson on criminology in Iceland

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Helgi Gunnlaugson.

Helgi Gunnlaugson is professor of Sociology at the University of Iceland, where he teaches sociology of deviance. His research interests are crime perceptions, local crime trends, the criminalization of beer. He is probably the most famous criminology professor in Iceland and often interviewed in the media.

This interview was conducted on 10 June 2022.

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Episode 16: Marie Torstensson Levander on criminology in Sweden

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Marie Torstensson Levander.

Marie Torstensson Levander is Professor of criminology at Malmö University. Professor Torstensson Levander’s research interests are among others the study of criminal careers, longitudinal research designs, comparative criminology, sex differences, crime in urban areas,  fear of crime and crime prevention.  She is the principle investigator of the MINDS study (The Malmö Individual and Neighbourhood Development Study).

This interview was conducted on 1 July 2022.

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Episode 17: Aleksandras Dobryninas on criminology in Lithuania

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Aleksandras Dobryninas.

Aleksandras Dobryninas is Professor of criminology at Vilnius University in Lithuania. He is a former president of the European Society of Criminology. Professor Aleksandras Dobryninas’ research interests are the theoretical and especially also philosophical aspects of criminological knowledge. Topical research interest are corruption, violent crime, media and crime, confidence and trust in criminal justice institutions.

This interview was conducted on 7 October 2022.

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Episode 18: Sonja Snacken on criminology in Belgium

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Sonja Snacken.

Sonja Snacken is Professor of criminology at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium. She is a former president of the ESC, and was granted several Awards, a.o. the Lifetime Achievement Award of the ESC, and a Honoris Causa by the University of Glasgow. Professor Sonja Snacken’s research interests are related to human rights, penology, prison overpopulation, and alternatives to prison sentences as a way of sanctioning people who committed crimes. 

This interview was conducted on 7 October 2022. 

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Episode 19: Krzysztof Krajewski on criminology in Poland

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Krzysztof Krajewski.

Krzysztof Krajewski is Professor of criminology and Head of the Department of Criminology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland). He is a former president of the ESC, and also member of the Board of the European Journal of Criminology, and many others (both Polish and international journals). Professor Krajewski studied both law and sociology and has been member of the advisory board of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction – EMCDDA) since 2008.

This interview was conducted on 25 November 2022.

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Episode 20: Miklós Lévay on criminology in Hungary

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Miklós Lévay.

Miklós Lévay is Professor of criminology at the ELTE University in Budapest (Hungary). He is a former president of the ESC. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University in 1980 and started his career as prosecution drafter at the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Budapest, before starting his academic career. He is a former Head of Department, Dean and Vice-Rector at the ELTE University. He is a member of the Directory Board of the Hungarian Society of Criminology and a member of the Scientific Board of National Institute of Criminology.

This interview was conducted on 16 December 2022.

Note to the episode: During the discussion about the creation of a master program im criminology at the ELTE University in Budapest (Hungary), the name of Professor Klára Kerezsi was forgotten. She was among the contributors of this MA program in Criminology.

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Episode 21: Gorazd Meško on criminology in Slovenia

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Gorazd Meško.

Gorazd Meško is Professor of criminology and has worked at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security since 1992 at the Maribor University in Ljubljana (Slovenia). He is Head of the Department. He is a former president of the ESC and was principle investigator in many research projects in various areas, a.o. on legitimacy and procedural justice to juvenile delinquency. He received many awards, a.o. the Freda Adler Distinguished Scholar Award by the American Society of Criminology in 2022 for his significant contribution to the development of international criminology.

This interview was conducted on 16 December 2022.

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Episode 22: José Cid Moline on criminology in Spain

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Jose Cid Moline.

Jose Cid Moline is Professor at the Department of political science and public law at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Barcelona). He was Principle Investigator of several research projects on desistance, recidivism, criminal careers and the study of transitions from adolescence to early adulthood.

This interview was conducted on 20 December 2022.

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Episode 23: Elena Larrauri on criminology in Spain

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Elena Larrauri.

Elena Larrauri is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). She is past President of the European Society of Criminology. Her research interests are prison systems, criminal records, community sentences, and gender analysis of criminal justice system. She is founding member of the Criminology and Criminal Justice System Research Group. She has been Head of the Department of Law in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Director of the Master Programme in Criminology.

This interview was conducted on 20 December 2022.

Find her CV here.

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Episode 24: Michel Born on criminology in Belgium

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Michel Born

Michel Born is Professor Emeritus and former Dean at the department of psychology at Liege University in Belgium. He is a clinical psychologist by formation and wrote a major textbook in French on the psychology of juvenile delinquency and on effective interventions for juveniles. Juvenile delinquency and its development through the lifecourse is one of his key research topics. He played a key role in the Belgian ISRD-project, being responsible for the data collection in Walloon cities (Liege and Verviers).

This interview was conducted on 14 February 2023.

Find his CV here.

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Episode 25: Michael Levi on criminology in the United Kingdom

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Michael Levi

Mikael Levi is Professor at the School of Social Sciences  at Cardiff University. He has a strong international reputation for excellence in both fundamental and policy-oriented research on money laundering, corruption, cybercrimes, fraud, transnational organised crime and white-collar crimes. Michael Levi received different major lifetime achievement awards, a.o. from the BSC and ASC and was organizer of the ESC conference in 2017.

This interview was conducted on 21 February 2023.

Learn more about him here !

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Episode 26: Lesley McAra on criminology in the United Kingdom

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Leslley McAra

Lesley McAra is Professor of penology at Edinburgh Law School and former dean. She began her career as a researcher in the Scottish Office where she led a major programme of research evaluating social work criminal justice services. She is the Co-Director of the Edinburgh Longitudinal Youth in Transitions Study (together with Susan McVie). She was organizer of the 2008 ESC conference in Edinburgh and a forer president of the ESC board (2020)

This interview was conducted on 23 February 2024.

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Episode 27: Lode Walgrave on criminology in Belgium

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Lode Walgrave.

Lode Walgrave is Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Leuven. He is an internationally well-known and excellent scholar in restorative justice research and played also a pioneering role in studies of juvenile delinquency. He was at the forefront of the interactionist school in Belgian criminology. Lode Walgrave received the ESC lifetime achievement award in 2008.

This interview was conducted on 14 March 2023.

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Episode 28: Ian van Dijk on criminology in The Netherlands

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Ian van Dijk.

Jan Van Dijk is professor of victimology and human security at Tilburg University (in the Netherlands). He holds a degree in law from Leiden University and a PhD in criminology from the University of Nijmegen. Jan Van Dijk was a former director of the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security. Under his supervision programs of policy-oriented research were launched on alternative sanctions, victims’ rights, crime prevention and organized crime. He later acted as Director of Strategic Policy Planning at the same ministry. He played a major role in the development of The International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS- together with Pat Mayhew and Martin Killias).

This interview was conducted on 28 March 2023.

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Episode 29: Patricia Mayhew on criminology in The United Kingdom

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Patricia Mayhew.

Patricia “Pat” Mayhew has had a distinguished career in criminology, significantly influencing the field both in the UK and internationally. She served as a senior principal research officer at the UK Home Office’s Research and Planning Unit, later known as the Crime and Criminal Justice Unit. Her work extended abroad to the National Institute of Justice in Washington, D.C., and the Australian Institute of Criminology in Canberra. Additionally, she was the Director of the Crime and Justice Research Centre at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Collaborating with Ronald Clarke, she played a key role in developing situational crime prevention and the British Crime Survey. Together with Jan van Dijk and Martin Killias, she helped design the International Crime Victims Survey. Her contributions earned her the Stockholm Prize in Criminology in 2015

This interview was conducted in two parts, on 21 March 2023 and 25 April 2023.

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Episode 30: Michael Tonry on criminology in The United Kingdom and in The USA

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Michael Tonry

Professor Emeritus Michael Tonry retired in December 2021 and was the McKnight Presidential Professor of Criminal Law and Policy, director of the Institute on Crime and Public Policy of the University of Minnesota. Previously, he was professor of law and public policy and director of the Institute of Criminology at Cambridge University. He has been the president of the American and European Societies of Criminology. He has been visiting professor at several universities and research institutes (e.g. he was a senior fellow in the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement). He has been the editor of Crime and Justice. He had many research interests, such as racial disparities in punishment.

This interview was conducted on 2 May 2023.

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Episode 31: Rossella Selmini on criminology in Italy

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo are interviewing Rosella Selmini.

Rosella Selmini is a previous president of the ESC and has been active as member of the editorial boards of several journals, she has been an associate editor of the European Journal for Criminology.

This interview was conducted on 16 May 2023.

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Episode 32: Miroslav Scheinost on criminology in Czechia

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Miroslaw Scheinost.

Professor Miroslaw Scheinost is the director of the institute of Criminology and Social prevention in the Czeck Republic and head of the Czech Society of Criminology, he was co-organizer of the ESC Conference in Prague in 2014. His research interest are, among others, organized crime.

This interview was conducted on 23 May 2023.

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Episode 33: Stephan Parmentier on criminology in Belgium

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Stephan Parmentier

Stephan Parmentier is full professor at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. Professor Parmentier’s research deals with topics related to the sociology of law and genocide studies, especially the difficult process of reconciliation.

This interview was conducted on 22 June 2023.

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Episode 34: Paul Ponsaers on criminology in Belgium

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Paul Ponsaers.

Paul Ponsaers is professor Emeritus of criminology at Ghent University in Belgium, where he joined the department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law. He was founder and director of the Research Group Social Analysis of security. He is interested in a wide variety of topics, a.o. the police as an institution, and policing in general, urban safety, white collar crime. Paul Ponsaers played a pivotal role in developing the Belgian Police Statistics and in making a federal crime and victimization survey possible in the 1990s. He holds a degree in sociology and criminology (Leuven University).

This interview was conducted on 23 June 2023.

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Episode 35: Tapio Lappi-Seppälä on criminology in Finland

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo interview Tapio Lappi Seppällä

Tapio Lappi-Seppälä is a professor of criminal law and criminology and the director of the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at the University of Helsinki. He holds a long career as a senior adviser in the drafting of criminal law in the Ministry of Justice from the mid 1980s to mid1990s and the director of National Research Institute of Legal Policy in 1996-2015 and from 2015 in the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy. He has taken actively part in international co-operation in the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology, Council of Europe, International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation, United Nations, and in the European Society of Criminology. In 2015 Lappi Seppälä was awarded by the American Society of Criminology’s Sellin-Glueck Award for his comparative research

This interview was conducted on 8 March 2024.

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Episode 36: Ian O’Donnell on criminology in Ireland

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo are interviewing Ian O’Donnel.

Ian O’Donnell is Professor of Criminology at University College Dublin. Previously he was Director of the Irish Penal Reform Trust, Research Officer at the Oxford University Centre for Criminological Research, and Research Assistant at the University of London. During his time in England he served as a member of the Board of Visitors for HMP Pentonville and as a Magistrate on the Oxford bench. His latest book, “Prison Life: Pain, Resistance, and Purpose”, published by New York University Press, won the 2023 Outstanding Book Award given by the American Society of Criminology’s Division of International Criminology. He is co-editor of Incarceration: An International Journal of Imprisonment, Detention and Coercive Confinement.

This interview was conducted on 3 May 2024.

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Episode 37: Paul Ekblom on criminology in the United Kingdom

In this episode, Lieven and Marcelo are interviewing Paul Ekblom.

Professor Paul Ekblom is Professor in Crime Science and Design, UK. He is passionate about the quality of thinking, communication and knowledge in crime prevention, security and community safety. This applies equally, but in different ways, to practice, programmes and policy; and to research, theorising and evaluation within and across the disciplines of Crime Science, design and engineering in material and cyberspace.

This interview was conducted on 24 May 2024.

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Episode 39: Ineke Haen Marshall on Criminology in the Netherlands and in the United States.

In this episode, LIeven and Marcelo are interviewing Ineke Haen-Marshall.

Professor Ineke Haen-Marshall is Professor at the Department of Sociology & Anthropology and School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University. She obtained an MA in Sociology from Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands (1973), an MA Sociology, from the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, USA (1974) and a PhD in Sociology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, USA (1977). Previously she has been visiting Professor in several countries, a. o. in Belgium at the Catholic University of Leuven. Her research interests are comparative and global criminology; youth crime; race, ethnicity, immigration and crime; self-report survey research; criminal careers. She is especially known for her long-time investment in the International Self-Reported Delinquency Study.

This interview was conducted on 21 June 2024.

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