Projet INSTEAD: Infirmière de pratique avaNcée pour des Soins de Transition Entre hôpitAl et le Domicile

Research team: Carole Michalski-Monnerat (PhD (c)), Prof. Cedric Mabire (supervisor), Prof. Denise Bryant-Lukosius (McMaster University, co-supervisor)

The aim of this thesis is to inform the features of a new model of APN-led transitional care to promote workload-capacity balance, improve patient health outcomes, and reduce inappropriate use of healthcare services following discharge from hospital for patients diagnosed with one or more chronic health conditions.

The objectives are:

  • To determine the priority patient population which may benefit the most from a new model of transitional care led by an Advanced Practice Nurse from hospital to home
  • To establish stakeholder consensus for improving the existing model of care, and defining priority goals for a new model of transitional care
  • To define the features of the new model of Advanced Practice Nurse-led transitional care required to meet the expected goals and outcomes
  • To examine the advisory group experience, in the process of co-designing the new model of transitional care, to count them as key stakeholders in the implementation of the new model of care, and inform future implementation

Research team:


Project partners are located in the canton of Neuchâtel, including the public hospital, Réseau hospitalier neuchâtelois (RHNe – logo) and the public homecare agency, NOMAD (Neuchâtel Organise le Maintien A Domicile – logo).

An advisory committee is involved at different phases in the project, composed by patients, nurse leaders and physicians working both at hospital and in the community.