Mise au concours du PNR 81 « Culture du bâti »

Contacts facultaires Délai de soumission : 29.02.2024   Les équipes de recherche intéressées sont désormais invitées à soumettre leur esquisse de projet avant le 29 février 2024. Sur…


Contacts facultaires   L’instrument de financement de mobilité Mobi.Doc permet d’effectuer un séjour de 6 mois à l’étranger dans le cadre d’un doctorat. Selon la Directive de la Direction 3.9 sur l’instrument…

Horizon Europe – EIC Pathfinder

Contacts facultaires You should apply if you are looking for support from EIC Pathfinder Open to realise an ambitious vision for radically new technology, with potential to create…

Appel à projets CIVIS

Contacts facultaires Cet appel à projets vise à soutenir des initiatives de recherche interdisciplinaires et durables, favorisant ainsi l’établissement de collaborations fructueuses entre les institutions membres de l’Alliance CIVIS en…

Appel à projets conjoints Maroc-Suisse

Contacts facultaires   Les candidatures pour le second appel à projets conjoint Maroc-Suisse sont ouvertes jusqu'au 22 avril 2024. Dans le cadre du Mémorandum d’entente signé par le Ministère…

Weave – Research funding without borders

In the Weave funding scheme, researchers from two to three European countries submit a joint proposal to one of the funding organisations involved. Lead Agency Weave was developed…

Open Access book publications

Make research public! Submission deadline:Anytime The SNSF finances the publication of scientific books that are freely and electronically accessible without restrictions or delays (Gold Open Access). Peer-reviewed monographs…

National Research Programmes (NRPs)

Research where it is needed most. Calls for four new NRPs in the areas of "Baukultur", biodiversity, gender medicine and plant breeding. The National Research Programmes (NRPs) promote…

AGORA – Rolling Call / FNS

Agora - where research meets the public The Agora scheme aims to foster dialogue between scientists and society Submission deadline:17.09.2024 The Agora scheme aims to foster dialogue between…

Lead Agency process

The Lead Agency process allows researchers in Switzerland and a partner country to submit a joint research proposal to either of the two national funding organisations. Weave Project…

Fondation Erna Hamburger

Contacts facultaires Délai de soumission : 31.05.2024   Toutes les informations concernant cette fondation sont disponibles ici.

Fondation Agassiz

Contacts facultaires Délai de soumission : 31.05.2024   Toutes les informations concernant cette fondation sont disponibles ici.

Appel à projets conjoints avec l’Université Laval

L'UNIL et l'Université Laval ont constitué un fonds commun avec pour objectif d'octroyer des crédits d’impulsion à des projets de collaboration de recherche déposés conjointement par des équipes…

CROSS 2025

The 2025 edition of the Collaborative Research on Science and Society (CROSS) program calls upon researchers at EPFL and the University of Lausanne to submit proposals that deal…


Submission deadline: 28.06.2024 The NEURON Network has launched a joint transnational call for projects on “Bidirectional Brain-Body Interactions”. The Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON) aims…

JPIAMR call: AMR Interventions

Submission deadline: 09.07.2024 The 17th JPIAMR call is now open. For Swiss project partners, a budget of 600,000 francs is available. The primary aim of this transnational call…

Belmont Forum | Africa Regional Call for Proposals

Submission deadline: 31.08.2024 The SNSF is taking part in the Belmont Forum’s Africa Regional call for proposals. Since 2009, the Belmont Forum, whose members include funding organisations, scientific…

Fondation Herbette UNIL

Marche à suivre pour déposer une demande Vous cherchez à financer un projet lié à une activité scientifique à l’UNIL ? La Directive de la Fondation Herbette vous…


Les bourses Postdoc.Mobility s'adressent à des scientifiques qui ont obtenu leur doctorat et souhaitent s’engager dans une carrière scientifique ou académique en Suisse. Le séjour de recherche à…

Grants for Studies or Research in the U.S.

The Scholarship Service of swissuniversities administers the following two scholarship programs, which offer financial support for a study or research stay in the USA. The program offers funding…

ERC Work Programme 2024

This ERC Work Programme is the fourth under the Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Union (‘Horizon Europe’).…

Horizon Europe – MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

Contacts facultaires Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported postdoctoral fellows Increased set of research and transferable skills and competences, leading to improved…

Agora scheme

Submission deadline: 17.09.2024 The Agora scheme aims to foster dialogue between scientists and society. It encourages researchers to communicate their current research to an audience of lay people.…

International Co-Investigator Scheme

The International Co-Investigator Scheme provides funding for cross-border projects which include a subproject abroad. Submission deadline: 1 October and 1 April This funding scheme is aimed at researchers…

Weave scheme

Submission deadline: Varies based on the funding agency. Overview: In the Weave funding scheme, researchers from two to three European countries submit a joint proposal to one of…

Project funding | FNS

Submission deadline: 03.04.2024   Project funding is the SNSF’s largest funding scheme by far. Every year, we invest more than half a billion Swiss francs in new projects.…


Contacts facultaires Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary…

Horizon Europe – MSCA Doctoral Network 2024

Contacts facultaires Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported doctoral candidates New research and transferable skills and competences, leading to improved employability and…