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Weave scheme

octobre 1 @ 8:00 - 17:00

Submission deadline: Varies based on the funding agency.

Overview: In the Weave funding scheme, researchers from two to three European countries submit a joint proposal to one of the funding organisations involved.

Lead Agency: Weave was developed by European funders to support excellent research projects, simplifying the submission of joint applications by centralising evaluation at a single agency.

How Does Weave Work?

  • Bottom-Up Principle: Weave is embedded in an existing funding scheme of the participating agencies, adhering to the rules of the relevant scheme without additional conditions.
  • Collaborative Proposals: Researchers from two to three European countries or regions can submit a collaborative project proposal to a funding organisation. Each applicant must be eligible for funding at one of the national organisations involved.
  • Lead Agency Agreement: The Lead Agency receives the application and evaluates the project based on the rules of the funding scheme. After completing the evaluation, the Lead Agency forwards the decision to its partner organisation(s) for endorsement and grant amount definition.
  • Main Applicant: Researchers appoint one person as the main applicant, who submits the joint application to the funding agency of their country. Co-applicants need to make parallel submissions to the national funders of their countries for administrative reasons.

How Are Weave Projects Financed?

  • Integrated Funding: At the SNSF, Weave is integrated into the project funding scheme.
  • National Funding Agencies: The national funding agencies involved finance the sub-projects conducted in their respective countries.
  • Comparison and Support: Weave projects are compared directly with other projects submitted in the same funding scheme. The aim is to support applications that are among the top 20% submitted in the relevant evaluation round.

Participating Countries: Eleven European countries or regions have signed the Weave agreement. The Weave tool shows the possible project combinations and the upcoming submission deadlines.

Weave Tool: The Weave tool is available to show possible project combinations and upcoming submission deadlines.

Exclusions: Trilateral projects with France, Israel, Sao Paulo, South Africa, South Tyrol, or the United States (Lead Agency process) are not possible.

Administrative Note: If the evaluation is carried out by a partner organisation, the application must still be submitted via mySNF within seven days.


Date :
octobre 1
Heure :
8:00 - 17:00