Soutenance de thèse de Monsieur Cristian Lopez, candidat au doctorat ès Lettres.
Jeudi 7 novembre 2019, 13h15, Amphimax 414.
Directeur·trice·s de thèse:
- Monsieur Michaël-Andreas Esfeld, Professeur, Faculté des lettres, UNIL
- Madame Olimpia Lombardi, Professeure, Université de Buenos Aires, Argentine
Membres du jury:
- Monsieur Christian Sachse, MER, Faculté des lettres, UNIL
- Madame Nélida Gentile, Professeure, Université de Buenos Aires, Argentine
- Monsieur Carl Hoefer, Professeur, Université de Barcelone, Espagne
- Monsieur Karim Thébault, Professeur, Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni
La séance est publique.
Cristian Lopez
Cristian Lopez obtained his graduate degree in Philosophy from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 2014 with a thesis titled “The Nature of the Arrow of time and The Arrow of Time of the Nature”. In 2015, Cristian started his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires under Prof. Olimpia Lombardi’s supervision. In the same year, he was awarded with a graduate- research fellowship, granted by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) of Argentina. Then, in 2017, he started a PhD at Université de Lausanne under Prof. Michael Esfeld’s supervision within the framework of a Joint Supervision between the Argentinian and the Swiss Universities. During his doctoral studies, Cristian was visiting fellow at the Münich Center for Mathematical Philosophy and an academic visitor at the University of Oxford.
Cristian’s work focuses on philosophy and on metaphysics of physics, in particular, on the nature of time, on the status of symmetries in physics and, on ontological issues in quantum theories. He has published papers in international journals (like the European Journal for Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Entropy, among others), has edited two books published by Cambridge University Press and has authored a book about the beginnings of the quantum mechanics (in Spanish). In the last five years, he has given several talks in international scientific meetings, has participated in many international research projects and has co-organized four international workshops.