“Big data and bad data” workshop registration now open

Registration and call for papers


We are delighted to announce that the registration for the workshop “Big data and bad data: challenges of quantitative and qualitative research methods in linguistics” is now open!

This international workshop will be held at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) on 2-3 September 2016.

The workshop will focus on the empirical basis of linguistic research, particularly on quantitative and qualitative research methods based on empirical data, including the challenges, advantages, shortcomings, complementary value, etc. of a variety of methods for the (theoretical) interpretation of the data. Selected questions that will be addressed during this workshop are as follows: 1. How have recent developments in digital humanities (e.g. large scale digitization of hitherto unknown manuscript material (diachronic) or social media data (synchronic)) affected the way in which we approach data from a linguistic perspective? More specifically, do these developments introduce bad data challenges and/or resolve existing bad data problems? 2. How and in what way could the ‘Big Data’ approach have an effect on our interpretations of language variation and change, and also the role of language standards? 3. What impact will the latter approach have on existing theoretical frameworks? For instance, will it lead to revisions of frameworks such as the social network theory and community of practice, which are used to interpret historical and contemporary data? This workshop is primarily aimed at postgraduate students working in the field of language variation and change (past and present) of any language, but it may be of interest to doctoral students in other fields of linguistics as well.

You can register via CUSO (a Swiss doctoral programme in English language and literature) at http://english.cuso.ch/index.php?id=897&no_cache=1&tx_displaycontroller[showUid]=2834 (you do not need to be a member of CUSO to register here), or you can send an e-mail to tino.oudesluijs@unil.ch

The workshop, which will be held at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, is aimed at postgraduate students as well as everybody else interested, particularly those working in the field of language variation and change (past and present) of any language.

Call for papers:

Postgraduate students are invited to give a 20-minute talk on an aspect of their research, which can range from a fully-fledged paper to a work-in-progress.

The plenary speakers are Prof. Susan Fitzmaurice (University of Sheffield), Prof. Alexander Bergs (University of Osnabrück) and Prof. Daniel Schreier (University of Zürich).