Tous les articles par Andrea Pilotti

Les Lobbies suisses

Dans le cadre de l’émission radio Versus-Penser d’Espace 2 du 7 janvier 2019, André Mach, auteur du livre « Groupes d’intérêt et pouvoir politique » analyse le rôle des lobbies dans la vie politique suisse. Il souligne l’importance et le pouvoir des groupes d’intérêt dans le contexte d’un Parlement faiblement professionnalisé et d’un Etat fédéral qui s’est largement appuyé sur leur collaboration dans la mise en oeuvre de nombreuses politiques publiques.

Pour écouter l’émission, cliquez ici.

More equal than others: Assessing economic and citizen groups’ access across policymaking venues

Article de Florian WeilerSteven Eichenberger, André Mach et Frédéric Varone dans la revue Governance.


This study assesses whether economic interest groups (business associations and trade unions) enjoy better access to the policymaking process than citizen groups. It compares the interest group population in Switzerland with those sets of groups present in the administrative and legislative venues. The study devises an aggregate measure of access to policymaking as a whole, which weights access according to different venues’ importance. It theorizes the granting of access as a sequential process. Policymakers first decide whether to grant any access at all (selection stage) and then decide on the amount of access (allocation stage). Empirical evidence shows that policymakers do not discriminate between economic and citizen groups at the selection stage, but that they subsequently grant more access to economic groups. These findings qualify existing research, which interprets economic groups’ superior access as the resilience of neo?corporatism, while also questioning the pluralizing effect of multiple policymaking venues.

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Présentation numéro revue Traverse et table ronde

Mardi 27 novembre 2018, 17h15, à l’Université de Lausanne, dans la salle 2230 de Géopolis aura lieu la présentation du dernier numéro de la revue Traverse consacré au thème « Pouvoir et représentativité des parlements en Suisse après 1848 » et édité par Andreas Behr, Martin Graf, Ruth Lüthi (Services du Parlement, Berne) et Andrea Pilotti (membre OBELIS, UniL).

La présentation sera suivie d’une table ronde avec Andreas Behr, Steven Eichenberger (membre OBELIS, UniL), Jan Rosset (membre associé OBELIS, UniGE) et Andrea Pilotti (modérateur).

Wer ist der mächtigste Mann im Land?

Interview de l’hebdomadaire allemand Die Zeit à Stéphanie Ginalski, auteure du livre « Du capitalisme familial au capitalisme financier? » et co-auteure du livre «Les élites économiques suisses au XXe siècle» (trad. allemande « Schweizer Wirtschaftseliten 1910-2010 »), sur les élites économiques suisses les plus influentes.

Pour lire l’article en ligne, cliquez ici (accès payant). Pour lire l’article sous format PDF, cliquez ici.

Milizia e professionismo nella politica svizzera

Le nouveau livre co-édité par Andrea Pilotti (membre OBELIS) et Oscar Mazzoleni (membre associé) aborde la question du système de milice et de la professionnalisation dans la politique suisse.

Avec aussi des contributions de trois autres membres de l’OBELIS, Karim Lasseb, Roberto Di Capua et André Mach, ainsi que Frédéric Varone (membre associé).

Il volume fornisce un’analisi approfondita del modo peculiare in cui in Svizzera si assumono le cariche politiche elettive. Conosciuta per il suo modello di milizia, la Svizzera sta vivendo una trasformazione profonda che sta investendo tutti gli ambiti istituzionali: il piano federale, i cantoni e i comuni. Le remunerazioni aumentano e le cariche politiche diventano spesso a tempo pieno. I segnali di una professionalizzazione sempre più diffusa si stanno moltiplicando, anche se i legislativi comunali e cantonali rimangono in parte fuori da questo processo. Ci si può allora interrogare sulla vitalità odierna del modello di milizia e su quali controversie il mutamento stia suscitando. Dai contributi di studiosi attivi in quattro Università svizzere (Berna, Ginevra, Losanna, Zurigo), che si sono avvalsi di dati in gran parte inediti, si profila una Svizzera in bilico fra tradizione e cambiamento.

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The Internationalisation of Economics and Business Studies: Import of Excellence, Cosmopolitan Capital, or American Dominance?

Article de Felix Bühlmann et Thierry Rossier dans la revue Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung.


In recent times internationality has become an indicator for scientific excellence arguing that it will create talent, diversity, and inspiration. But what does “internationality” really stand for in science? In order to answer this question we study two of the most hierarchized and internationalised disciplines – economics and business studies – in one of the most internationalised academic labour markets – Switzerland. Based on a historical database of 411 (full and associate) university professors of economics and business studies at three benchmarks (1957, 1980, and 2000), we investigate the evolution of internationality during the second part of the 20th century, and its link to scientific prestige and recognition. For both disciplines we find an increase in foreign professors and internationalisation of Swiss professors due to doctorial and postdoctoral phases spent in the US and other shorter stays abroad. This development can first be observed in economics, but business studies have managed to “catch up.” Using three negative binomial regression models we show that Switzerland imports excellence among professors and that high scientific prestige is linked to stays abroad, especially in the dominant US fields of economics and business studies.

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