Research Sessions 2014, University of Essex, 8 – 11 July 2014

The political sociology standing group encourages submissions for the 2014 ECPR Research sessions.

The Research Sessions offers established collaborative groups the opportunity to step away from their hectic work schedules and focus on commencing, or completing their research in an environment suitable for concentrated discussion
Helping your project succeed 
Held in superb facilities and organised to make sure you have peace and quiet to fulfil your aim — each Session will have access to AV facilities, tea and coffee breaks, and be completely free of interruptions. Your accommodation and food will be organised by the ECPR to make sure your experience as stress-free as possible. Being a part of the Research Sessions, groups receive additional support and recognition that the standard of work meets the expectations of the ECPR. In addition, groups have the added opportunity of publishing with the ECPR Press.
If your group would like to attend the Research Sessions, please submit a proposal which will be reviewed by the ECPR Academic Convenors.
How do I submit a proposal?
The proposal, which should be no longer than 3000 words, should specify the research question and locate it within the relevant scientific debate and theories. It should include:
  • the guiding hypothesis;
  • the main ‘message’ or the major and innovative contribution that the research group wants to make;
  • methodology;
  • data;
  • research steps;
  • milestones;
  • a rough publication plan;
  • a list of members.

The deadline is 7 February 2014. For more information on criteria for groups and proposals please see our website. To submit your proposal, click here. For any further questions please contact Jenna Barnard at

Registration fees
Fees for the 2014 Research Sessions will be €75, which includes accommodation, food and facilities for each person attending.