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June 2024


DBC News is a monthly publication that seeks to inform first and foremost faculty members, researchers and students. It also reaches out to a wider community - Department of Computational Biology partners, visiting faculty and friends.

Alongside the Department's website it is a complementary means of keeping abreast of the Department's rich and diversified scientific activities - visiting faculty, exceptional conferences, publications, awards, appointments, calls for papers and research, ...


The whole DBC extends the warmest of welcomes to new members.

Nikolai Romashchenko
Postdoc, Group Dessimoz
Nikolai is joining Dessimoz group as a Post-Doc.
Learn more


Many thanks to you for the good collaboration throughout these years and we all wish every success in your future endeavours.
Melinda Mischler
DBC Admin
Fahimeh Palizban
Visiting Researcher - Group Dessimoz


June 6th - DBC Seminar with

Prof. Michael Talkowski

Director, Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital - Associate Professor of Neurology - Harvard Medical School - Institute Member, Broad Institute- Learn more


Arvind Iyer
PhD, Group Ciriello

Date: June 19th at 5pm

Location: Génopode, Auditorium A, UNIL

Title : "Tale of cancer evolution: insights from co-mutation analysis."
Marco Varrone
PhD, Group Ciriello

Date: June 21st at 5pm

Location: Génopode, Auditorium A, UNIL

Title : "Computational models to characterize spatial intra-tumor heterogeneity ."

Barbara Mota
PhD, Group Malaspinas

Date: June 25th at 4pm

Location: Génopode, Auditorium B, UNIL

Title : "Imputation of ancient genomes and the genomic history of the Rapanui."
Chiara Auwerx
PhD, Group Kutalik

Date: June 28th at 5pm

Location: Génopode, Auditorium A, UNIL

Title : "Where rare meets common: Leveraging population cohorts to study rare copy-number variants."


16th Lausanne Comp Bio Meeting

When: June 11th, 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm

Where: Génopode - Auditoire C

The goal of this meeting series is to bring together researchers from UNIL, CHUV, EPFL and industry, who are active in the field of Computational and Quantitative Biology. The meetings are sponsored by the Department of Computational Biology at UNIL. Learn more

3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology - July 26-30

The 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology is the joint meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, the Society of Systematic Biologists and the Society for the Study of Evolution. The meeting is one of the premiere international opportunities for sharing research on evolutionary biology. Learn more

ISMB Conference - July 12-16

The International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) is an annual event organized by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). This flagship meeting of the ISCB is renowned as the world's largest conference focused on bioinformatics and computational biology. ISMB 2024 showcases the latest international developments in the field and driving forward the future of this dynamic area of research and the involvement of the ISCB's Communities of Special Interest (COSIs) enhances the exceptional scientific program.
Learn more

Ancient DNA Beyond Allele Frequencies - July 29-31th

The SMBE Satellite Meeting on Ancient DNA Beyond Allele Frequencies will capitalise on this burgeoning field, bringing together researchers utilising these methods across human and non-human species. Learn more

Personalized Health Technologies 2024
- August 26-28th

This event will be held on August 26 - 28, 2024 at ETH Zürich in Switzerland. Its main focus is on personalized health tools and technologies enabling translational research and biomedical development.
Lear more

Reconstructing the human past: using ancient and modern genomics - September 17-20th

Combining genome-wide data from ancient and modern populations opens new windows into the past and, importantly, their integration with archaeological evidence and historical records elucidates aspects of human history and cultural evolution of past societies. Learn more


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CIG News
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All the events of the APNS here


What follows is a small sampling of recently published research across the department — for a more complete list of publications, visit PubMed. If there is a paper you would like to see highlighted in the next issue of the newsletter, please email us.

A resampling-based approach to share reference panels - With Théo Cavinato, Simone Rubinacci, Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas, Olivier Delaneau

Matreex: compact and interactive visualisation for scalable studies of large gene families - With Victor Rossier , Clement Train, Yannis Nevers , Christophe Dessimoz

Perspectives on tracking data reuse across biodata resources - With Paul D Thomas

Disentangling genetic effects on transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation through integrating exon and intron expression QTLs - With Anneke Brümmer , Sven Bergmann

An RNA-dependent and phase-separated active subnuclear compartment safeguards repressive chromatin domains - With Ana C Marques

Breaking down causes, consequences, and mediating effects of telomere length
variation on human health - With Samuel Moix, Marie C Sadler, Zoltán Kutalik and Chiara Auwerx

Explore more...


Health data scientist / Biostatistician - Location : Fribourg, Switzerland

Scientific Assistant in Machine Learning for Healthcare - Location : Zurich, Switzerland

Research Assistant in Human Organoid Modelling - Location : Stockholm, Sweden

PhD molecular and computational neurogenomics - Location : Antwerp, Belgium

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Automated Processing of Bioimages - Location : Jena, Germany

Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Computational Biology - Location : Jena, Germany

Computational Postdoctoral Fellow - single-cell genomics in the Haniffa group - Location : Saffron Walden, United Kingdom

Data Engineer - COSMIC - Location : Saffron Walden, United Kingdom


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