Founded at the University of Lausanne in 2021, the Laboratory for Biogeochemical Oceanography Across Time (BOAT) is a relatively recent addition to the world of geosciences. The laboratory is led by Professor. Samuel Jaccard, with interdisciplinary research activities taking place across the globe to investigate oceanic variability across time, and to better understand interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and geology. Current research projects are underway in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern oceans.

The laboratory studies the modern water column to better understand how physical, chemical, and biological ocean processes occur in the present day, before progressing to develop and explore sediment-based paleoceanography proxies to interpret how such processes have varied across time. We have primary interests in understanding climate-driven changes in nutrient cycling, oxygen availability, chromium cycling, paleo-ocean circulation, water-mass transformation, and trace-metal-based proxies for carbon cycling and deep ocean sequestration.

At present, Prof. Jaccard manages a team of seven post-doctorate researchers, two doctoral students, and an ever-changing group of masters and undergraduate students.

Physical Address

Batiment Geopolis,
Institut des sciences de la Terre
Faculté des géosciences et de l’environnement,
Rue de la Mouline 11,
Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne,