Active team members
Mike Rowley (project lead)
Stéphanie Grand
Mélanie Delasoie
Céline Blattner
Aurélie Rubin
Pascal Vittoz
Éric Verrecchia
Delasoie Mélanie (2018). Distribution des compartiments de calcium dans des sols du Vallon de Nant (VD): bilans et relations avec la matière organique du sol. M.Sc. thesis, Master in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne; available upon request.
Relevant publications
Rowley MC, Grand S, Adatte T, & Verrecchia EP (2020). A cascading influence of calcium carbonate on the biogeochemistry and pedogenic trajectories of subalpine soils, Switzerland. Geoderma 361: 114065.
Rowley MC, Grand S, Verrecchia EP (2018). Calcium-mediated stabilisation of soil organic carbon. Biogeochemistry 137(1-2):27-49. Doi: 10.1007/s10533-017-0410-1
Grand S, Rubin A, Verrecchia EP, Vittoz P (2016) Variation in soil respiration across soil and vegetation types in an Alpine valley. PloS ONE 11(9): e0163968. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163968