Forest dynamics in Grande Cariçaie

A large part of the forests along the south shore of Lac de Neuchâtel can be considered as primary forests. Indeed, they colonised the area following the lowering of the lake in 19th century to dry the wetlands next to the lake. Some parts of these new shores were mown a few decades before being abandoned and colonised by forests. There is now a large diversity of forest types and ages, according to the water level (alder, poplar, ash, pine forests) and to the start of colonisation. But forest dynamics in these conditions is little known and the future of these forests, after the death of the pioneer trees, is uncertain.

This project aims to study the forest dynamics of the different community types and the biodiversity corresponding to the different stages in order to optimise the management of these nature reserves.

Active project members

Lila Siegfried
Eric Verrecchia
Pascal Vittoz