[Osaka] Future of Mindfulness

How can one apply the concept of mindfulness to fostering leadership in this fast-changing society? Swissnex Japan and the Consulate of Switzerland in Japan, invite you to an event on the subject.

[Shanghai] Swiss Alumni China 2024

Join the largest gathering of Swiss public university alumni in China! With more than 300 alumni from over 20 Swiss public universities signed up last year, the Swiss Alumni China has always been a signature event for past and present students of Swiss public universities based in the country.

[New York] Swiss Alumni Night NYC

Participate in the NYC edition of the networking event for alumni and former affiliates of Swiss universities, in partnership with the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York.

[Rome] Aperitivo des alumni et étudiant·e·s UNIL & EPFL

Apéritif d’accueil pour réseauter et partager des informations et des points de vue sur Rome avec la jeune génération estudiantine en échange d’un ou deux semestres, ainsi qu'avec des alumni des deux institutions.

[Singapore] Swiss Alumni Evening 2024: Understand Tomorrow’s Workplace Today

Join the second Swiss Alumni Evening in Singapore, a night of connections and conversations. This event unites alumni from various Swiss universities who have made Singapore their home. It's the ideal opportunity to reconnect with old friends, build new professional relationships, and celebrate the Swiss education that binds them all.

[Montréal] Cocktail de bienvenue 2024

Le Comité des Alumni suisses au Québec (Alumni UNIL, Alumni UNIGE et Alumni EPFL) est fier de proposer l'édition 2024 de la soirée "Cocktail de bienvenue" visant à accueillir les étudiantes et étudiants en échange et faciliter leur installation.

[Mumbai] Swiss Universities Alumni Meet 2024

Join the community for an evening of conversations, share experiences and meaningful connections — where even casual encounters can grow into something greater.