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[China] Art x Science Dialogues | Transcending Waves: Sound, Technology, and Creativity

26 septembre 2023 @ 18:00 - 20:00

Join swissnex China and Duke Kunshan University for an engaging and thought-provoking event, « Transcending Waves: Sound, Technology, and Creativity ». Three exceptional speakers will be pushing the boundaries of art and science in the realm of sound, technology, and creative expression.

Co-organized by Swissnex in China and Duke Kunshan University, in partnership with the Montreux Jazz Festival China, this event sets the stage for a captivating discourse. As a precursor to the Montreux Jazz Festival from September 27 to October 2 at the stunning Fairmont Yangcheng Lake in Kunshan, “Transcending Waves” is also seamlessly integrated into the LASER Talks series.

During the event, Benjamin Bacon will share his research and artistic practices in new media art, computational sound design; Marcel Zaes Sagesser will give a presentation on “Dirty Mediations:” A Sonic Practice Between Low and High Tech, during which he will introduce his artistic practice in computational sound-making for the concert stage and for multimedia installations with a particular focus on the artwork “Dirty Mediations” that he developed in 2023; Kent Poon, as a recording producer and engineer, will share his experience in sound recording and immersive audio as well as creative projects at Montreaux Jazz Festival.

Let us come together to transcend waves, explore the limitless possibilities of sound and technology, and celebrate the boundless realm of human creativity!

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Date :
26 septembre 2023
Heure :
18:00 - 20:00
Catégorie d’Évènement:


swissnex China