ChatGPT has the potential to disrupt the business environment, skilled office jobs are at risk too.
Yes, but… at what scale? Can we quantify the impact?
According to an estimate from Goldman Sachs, up to 300 million people could be affected. In some sectors, up to half of the jobs could be automated. Yet, how much of this is true? Predictions do not always materialize, but it is recommended to be prepared.
How is the latest AI disruption different from the previous?
Prof. Shrestha, professor at HEC Lausanne divulge that it is a qualitative disruption, creativity can now be automated:
“Until about six years ago, AIs were mostly used for classification or recommendation systems. In parallel, the field of computer vision (which allows image processing, editor’s note) has experienced phenomenal development. This generation of AI has brought about a wave of automation potentially affecting all aspects of businesses. We have for example been able to see it with Amazon… With computer vision or AI filing systems, you just explore what exists, whereas generative AI allows you to create new things. The novelty is to automate the creativity that was until then the prerogative of humans.”
Who? Which sector is susceptible to the disruption?
According to Prof. Yash, it is difficult to quantify. Some jobs may be replaced, yet at the same time new ones are created. He also warns that to the detriment of average professionals, their job might be at risk as the entry cost of AI is low. Only those who adapt and take leverage AI will have an advantage in the job market.
Read full article at Heidi News.