Henri Jamet

Hello, I am


UNIL | Université de Lausanne – HEC

Department of Information Systems (DESI)

Internef Building, Office 133.1

CH-1015 Lausanne

Email: henri.jamet@unil.ch

Hello dear reader!

I am currently a second-year PhD student at DESI, under the supervision of Professor Yash Raj Shrestha. My research focuses on large natural language models and ways to optimize the performance of existing architectures in various fields such as learning assistance, educational path, difficulty reduction, and content recommendation.

Outside of my academic activities, I am passionate about chess, role-playing games, and board games in general. I also have a keen interest in world-building and cooking. On the music side, I am a composer, pianist, organist, and cellist. Finally, I have a particular fondness for snow and cows, and my favourite color is green! (I am not particularly convinced of the relevance of this information, but if it helps you paint a picture of me.. ^^)

Curriculum Vitae
  • 2023 – Present: PhD in Information Systems, HEC Lausanne
  • 2020 – 2023: Engineering degree, EPITA (School of Computer Science and Advanced Techniques), Paris
  • 2018 – 2020: Preparatory classes MP-MPSI (Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Sciences)
  • 2018: Member of École 42, Paris
  • 2018: Baccalaureate, Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Paris
Professional Experience
Research Projects
  • Development of a benchmark for toxic comment classification on the Civil Comments dataset
  • Estimation of text difficulty and simplification of French texts using large language models (DOI)
(Co-) Supervision of Master Theses
  • Giacomo Rattazzi: Analysis of political bias in large language models in climate change discourse
  • Christophe Rosset: How can DevOps tools improve software engineering activities for HR software deliveries?
  • Kristina Shemet: Using large language models for retrieval-augmented generation in actuarial science
  • Johannes-Rudolf David: LIFT: Leveraging LLMs to Assist Meeting Facilitators
Teaching Experience
  • Artificial Intelligence in Business [BSc course @ UNIL; 2023 – present]