List of publications

All publications or posters are available on request


Chèvre et al. Eds. 2018. Micropollutants in Large Lakes. PPUR – CRC Press.

Díez, E. G., Graham, N. D., & Loizeau, J. L. (2018). Total and methyl-mercury seasonal particulate fluxes in the water column of a large lake (Lake Geneva, Switzerland). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11.


Díez, E. G., Corella, J. P., Adatte, T., Thevenon, F., & Loizeau, J. L. (2017). High-resolution reconstruction of the 20th century history of trace metals, major elements, and organic matter in sediments in a contaminated area of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Applied geochemistry78, 1-11.


Diez, E. G., Loizeau, J. L., Cosio, C., Bouchet, S., Adatte, T., Amouroux, D., & Bravo, A. G. (2016). Role of settling particles on mercury methylation in the oxic water column of freshwater systems. Environmental science & technology50(21), 11672-11679. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03260

Graham, N. D.; Bouffard, D. & Loizeau, J.-L. (2016) The influence of bottom boundary layer hydrodynamics on sediment focusing in a contaminated bay. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23, 25412-25426 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7715-9


Daouk S., Frege C., Blanc N., Mounier S., Redon R., Merdy P., Lucas Y., Pfeifer H.-R. “Fluorescence Spectroscopy to study Dissolved Organic Matter Interactions with Agrochemicals applied in Swiss Vineyards”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2015) 12, 9284-9292.

Devarajan, N.; Laffite, A.; Graham, N. D.; Meijer, M.; Prabakar, K.; Mubedi, J. I.; Elongo, V.; Mpiana, P. T.; Ibelings, B. W.; Wildi, W. & Poté, J. (2015) Accumulation of Clinically Relevant Antibiotic-Resistance Genes, Bacterial Load, and Metals in Freshwater Lake Sediments in Central Europe . Environmental Science & Technology. 49 , 6528-6537 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01031

Graham, N.D. (2015). The Fate of Sediment-bound Contaminants: A Case Study of Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland). PhD thesis no 4760. Université de Genève, Genève, Switzerland.

Larras F, Gregorio V, Bouchez A, Chèvre N. 2015. Comparison of specific versus literature species sensitivity distributions for herbicides risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5430-6

Larras F, Rimet F, Gregorio V, Bérard A, Leboulanger C, Montuelle B, Bouchez A. 2015. Pollution induced community tolerance (PICT) as a tool for monitoring Lake Geneva long-term in situ ecotoxic restoration from herbicide contamination. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(5), DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5302-0



Gregorio V, Chèvre N. 2014. Assessing the risks posed by mixtures of chemicals in freshwater environments. Case study of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Wires Water: doi: 10.1002/wat2.1018

Chèvre N. 2014. Pharmaceuticals in surface waters: sources, behaviour, ecologica lrisk and possible solutions. Case study of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Wires Water 1: 69-86.


Razmi, AM. 2014. Hydrodynamic variability of lacustrine open embayments – implications for water quality. PhD thesis no 6249. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Gregorio, V. 2014. Reliability of methods used for the risk assessment of mixture of micropollutants in aquatic environments: from theoretical concepts to field observations. PhD thesis. Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.



Nadine Czekalski, Elena Gascón Díez, Helmut Bürgmann, Characterizing Spatial Antibiotic Resistance Genes Pollution in Fresh Water Lake Sediments Using Quantitative Real-Time PCR. Submitted.

Bonvin, F., Razmi, A.M., Barry, D.A. and Kohn, T. A coupled hydrodynamic-photolysis model to simulate the fate of micropollutants in Vidy Bay. Submitted to Environmental Science and Technology.

Razmi, A.M , Barry, D.A., Lemmin, U., Bakhtyar, R., Bonvin, F. and Kohn, T. Residence time in an open, wide and deep lacustrine embayment: Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland). Submitted to Aquatic Sciences.

Hörger, C., Akhtman, Y., Martelletti, L., Rutler, R., Bonvin, F. and Kohn, T. Spatial extent and ecotoxicological risk assessment of wastewater-derived micropollutant plume in Lake Geneva. Submitted to Aquatic Sciences.

Razmi A, Barry DA, Lemmin U, Bonvin F, Kohn T, Bakhtyar R. Wind and thermal stratification effects on residence and travel times in an open, wide, and deep lacustrine embayment: Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland). Submitted to Aquatic Sciences.

Coutu S, Kramer S, Bates B, Roudier P. Assessing dominant uncertainties in urban buildup/washoff processes under climatic chnage: a case study in Western Switzerland. Submitted to Urban Climate.

Coutu S, Wyrsch V, Wynn HK, Rossi L, Barry DA. Dynamics of antibiotics in wastewater networks. Submitted to Science of the Total Environment.

Larras F, Gregorio V, Bouchez A, Montuelle B, Chèvre N. Are thresholds derived from species sensitivity distributions impairing diatoms assemblage? The case of a four herbicides mixture. Submitted to Ecotoxicology

Gregorio V, Chèvre N, Junghans M. 2013. Critical issues in using the common toxicity models CA or RA on species sensitivity distributions: a theoretical approach. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 32: 2387-2395.

Chèvre N, Gregorio V. 2013. Mixture Effects in Ecotoxicology. In: Blaise C, Férard JF. Encyclopedia of Aquatic Ecotoxicology. Springer.

Tentscher PR, Eustis S, McNeill K, Arey S. 2013. Aquatic oxidation of sulfonamide antibiotics: aromatic nucleophilic substitution of an
aniline radical cation. Chem Eur J. Accepted.

Daouk S, Copin PJ, Rossi L, Chèvre N, Pfeifer HR. Dynamics and environmental risk assessment of the herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in a small vineyard river of the Lake Geneva catchment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Accepted.

Bonvin, F., Omlin, J., Rutler, R., Schweizer, B., Alaimo, P.J., Strathmann, T.J., McNeill, K., Kohn, T. 2013. Direct photolysis of human metabolites of antibiotic
sulfamethoxazole – evidence for abiotic back-transformation. Environmental Science and Technology. Available on-line.

Daouk, S, Grandjean D, Chèvre N, De Alencastro LF, Pfeifer HR. 2012. The herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in the Lavaux vineyard area, western Switzerland: proof of widespread export to surface waters. Part I: Method validation in different water matrices. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. Available on-line.

Daouk, S, De Alencastro LF, Pfeifer HR. 2012. The herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in the Lavaux vineyard area, western Switzerland: proof of widespread export to surface waters. Part II: The role of infiltration and surface runoff. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. Available on-line.

Goulet JA, Coutu S, Smith I. 2013. Model falsification diagnosis and sensor placement for leak detection in pressurized pipe networks. Advanced Engineering Informatics. Available on-line.

Tentscher PR, Arey S. 2013. Binding in radical-solvent binary complexes: benchmark energies and performance of DFT methods. J Chem Theory Comput 9: 1568–1579.

Sivey JD, Arey S, Tentscher PR, Roberts AL. 2013. Reactivity of BrCl, Br2, BrOCl, Br2O and HOBr toward dimethenamid in solutions of bromide+aqueous free chlorine. Environ Sci Technol 47: 1330–1338.

Chèvre N, Coutu S, Margot J, Wynn HK, Bader HP, Scheidegger R, Rossi L. Substance flow analysis as a tool for mitigating the impact of pharmaceuticals on the aquatic system. Water Research 47: 2995-3005.

Halder J, Decrouy L, Vennemann TW. 2013. Mixing of Rhône River water in Lake Geneva (Switzerland- France) inferred form stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope profiles. Journal of Hydrology 477: 152-164.

Rossi L, Chèvre N, Fankhauser R, Margot J, Curdy R, Babut M, Barry DA. 2013.Sediment contamination assessment in urban areas based on Total Suspended Solids. Water Research 47: 339-350.

Coutu S, Rossi L, Barry DA, Rudaz S, Vernaz N. 2013. Temporal variability of antibiotics fluxes in wastewater and contribution from hospitals. Public Library of Science One, 8: e53592, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053592.

Coutu S, Wyrsch V, Rossi L, Enery P, Golay F, Craneiro C. 2013.Modelling wind-driven rain on buildings in urbanized area using 3-D GIS and LiDAR datasets. Buildings & Environment 59: 528-535.

Coutu S, Del Giudice D, Rossi L, Barry DA. 2012. Parsimonious hydrological modeling of urban sewer and river catchments. Journal of Hydrology 465: 477-484.

Coutu S, Rota C, Rossi L, Barry DA. 2012. Modeling city-scale facade leaching of biocide by rainfall. Water Research 46: 3525-3534.


Coutu, S. 2013. Micropollutants source and transport dynamics in Urban Catchment. PhD thesis no 5825. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Tentscher, P. 2013. Computational Quantum Chemical Studies on Radicals: from the Gas Phase to Aqueous Solution. PhD thesis no 5734. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Le Thi, AD. 2013. Thermal structure and circulation patterns of Lake Geneva applaying three-dimensional (3D) finite element modeling. PhD thesis. Université de Genève, Genève, Switzerland.

Czekalski, N. 2013. Sources, Spreading and Fate of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Resistant Bacteria in Vidy Bay, Lake Geneva, Switzerland. PhD thesis no 5637. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Halder J. 2013. Tracing of the Rhône River, wastewater, and mixing within Lake Geneva: stable isotope compositions of water and dissolved inorganic carbon. PhD thesis. Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Daouk, S. 2013. Fate of the herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in soils and their transfer to surface waters: A multi-scale approach in the Lavaux vineyards, western Switzerland. PhD thesis. Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Bonvin, F. 2013. Spatio-temporal presence of micropollutants and their metabolites in Lake Geneva and susceptibility to direct and indirect photodegradation processes. PhD thesis no 5677. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.



Tentscher PR, Arey S. 2012. Geometries and vibrational frequencies of small radicals: Performance of coupled cluster and more approximate methods. J. Chem. Theory Comput 8: 2165–2179.

Sacchi L, Solcà N, Crivelli E, Chèvre N, de Alencastro LF, Veronesi M, Simona M,  Pfeifer HR. 2012.Microinquinanti nel Laveggio e nel Lago di Lugano presso Riva San Vitale. In : Pessina, A. ed., Lago Ceresio: indagine su DDT e sostanze pericolose. Commissione internazionale per la protezione delle acque italo-svizzere (CIPAIS), Programma quinquennale 2008-2012, Rapporto annuale 2011, 11-23.

Gregorio V, Büchi L, Anneville O, Rimet F, Bouchez A, Chèvre N. Risk of herbicide mixtures as a key parameter to explain phytoplankton fluctuation in a great lake: the case of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Ecotoxicology 21: 2306-2318.

Bonvin, F., Chèvre, N., Rutler, R., Kohn, T. 2012. Pharmaceuticals and their human metabolites in Lake Geneva: occurrence, fate and ecotoxicological relevance. Archives des Sciences, 65: 143-155.

Czeklaski N, Berthold T, Caucci S, Egli A, Buergmann H. (In press). Increased levels of multiresistant bacteria and résistance genes after wastewater treatment and their dissémination into Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Frontiers in Microbiology 3, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00106

Coutu S, Rossi L, Barry DA, Chèvre N. 2012. Methodology to account for uncertainties and tradeoffs in pharmaceutical environmental hazard assessment. Journal of Environmental Management 98: 183-190.

Coutu S, Del Giudice D, Rossi L, Barry DA. 2012. Modeling of facade laching in urban catchments. Water Resource Research, 48: W12503. doi:10.1029/2012WR012359.

Thevenon F, Adatte T, Wildi W, Poté J. Antibiotic resistant bacteria/genes dissemination in lacustrine sediments highly increased following cultural eutrophication of Lake Geneva (Switzerland). Chemosphere 86 : 468-476.



Thevenon F, Graham ND, Chiaradia M, Arpagaus P, Wildi W, Poté J. Local to regional scale industrial heavy metal pollution recorded in sediments of large freshwater lakes in central Europe (lakes Geneva and Lucerne) over the last centuries. Science of the Total Environment 412-413 : 239-247

Thevenon F, Graham ND, Herbez A, Wildi W, Poté J. Spatio-temporal distribution of organic and inorganic pollutants from Lake Geneva (Switzerland) reveals strong interacting effects of sewage treatment plant and entrophication on microbial abundance. Chemosphere 84: 609-617.

Chèvre N, Gregorio V. Interactions in ecotoxicology. In: Comprehensive Handbook of Ecotoxicological Terms. Blaise C and Férard JF, editors. Accepted.

Rossi L, Rumley L, Ort C, Minkkinen P, Barry DA, Chèvre N. Samplinghelper a  web-based tool to assess the reliability of sampling strategies in sewers and receiving waters. Water Science and Technology 63: 2975-2982.

Chèvre N, Guignard C, Rossi L, Pfeifer HR, Bader HP, Scheidegger R. Substance flow analysis as a tool for urban water management: the case of copper in Lausanne, Switzerland. Water Science and Technology 63: 1341-1348.

Bonvin F, Rutler R, Chèvre N, Halder J, Kohn T. Spatial and temporal presence of a wastewater-derived micropollutant plume in Lake Geneva. Environmental Science and Technology 45:4702-4709.

Margot J, Magnet A. 2011. Elimination des micropolluants dans les eaux usées – Essais pilotes à la station d’épuration de Lausanne. Gwa (Gas Wasser Abwasser) 7: 487-493.

Junghans M, Chèvre N, Di Paolo C, Eggen RIL, Gälli R, Gregorio V, Häner A, Homazava N, Perazzolo C, Kase R. 2011. Aquatic risks of plant protection products: A comparison of different hazard assessment strategies for surface waters in Switzerland. Study on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment. Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology, Eawag-EPFL, Duebendorf.

Margot J, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N, de Alencastro F, Rossi L. 2011. Traitement des micropolluants dans les eaux usées – rapport final sur les essais pilotes à la STEP de Vidy (Lausanne). Ed. Ville de Lausanne.


Barry DA, Caitlin EB, Razmi AM, Lemmin U, Le Dantec N. 2011. Stochatic generation of wind patterns over lake Geneva. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Califormia, December 5-9, 2011.

Razmi AM, Barry DA, Lemmin U. 2011. Measurement and modeling of Vidy Bay (lake Geneva) hydrodynamics. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Califormia, December 5-9, 2011.

Razmi A, Barry DA, Lemmin U. 2011. Vidy Bay hydrodynamics under typical meteorological conditions. Seventh International Symposium on Stratified Flows. Rome, Italy, August 22-26, 2011.

Gregorio V, Junghans M, Chèvre N. 2011. Risk assessment of mixture of herbicides: the case study of lake Geneva. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Margot J, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N, De Alencastro F, Kienle C, Abegglen C, Barry DA, Rossi L. 2011. Elimination of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants : Ozonation or activated carbon? Conclusions of a one-year pilot project. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Chèvre N, Johnson DR, van der Meer J. 2011. Risk assessment of fungicides and bactericides: are we using the correct data? SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Chèvre N, Coutu S, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Rossi L. Substance flow analysis for micropollutants management in urban watershed. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Halder J,  Decrouy L,  Vennemann T. 2011. Stratification and mixing of water in Lake Geneva inferred from stable H and O isotopes. Basin Conference: Roles of Stable Isotopes in Water Cycle Research, Keystone, Colorado, March 29-31, 2011.

Vennemann TW, Halder J, Pralong C, Ambadiang P, Fontana D, Piffarerio R, Favre L. 2011. Dissolved inorganic carbon and its stable isotope composition as a tracer of water sources, pollution, and bioproductivity in Lake Geneva. Basin Conference: Roles of Stable Isotopes in Water Cycle Research, Keystone, Colorado, March 29-31, 2011.



Haller L, Tonolla M, Zopfi J, Peduzzi R, Wili W, Poté J. Composition of bacterial and archael communities in freshwater sediments with different contamination levels (Lake Geneva, Switzerland). Water Research. Available on-line.

Oulton RL, Kohn T, Cwiertny DM. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Effluent Matrices: A Survey of Transformation and Removal during Wastewater Treatment and Implications for Wastewater Management. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. In press.

Perazzolo C, Morasch B, Kohn T, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N. 2010. Prioritization, occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in the Vidy bay (Lake Geneva): Part I: establishment of a priority list for environmental risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:1649-1657.

Morasch B, Bonvin F, Reiser H, Grandjean D, de Alencastro LF, Perazzolo C, Chèvre N, Kohn T. 2010. Prioritization, occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in the Vidy bay (Lake Geneva): Part II: micropollutant removal in the wastewater treatment plant and during subsequent passage through the bay into raw drinking water 29: 1658-1668.


Halder J, Decrouy L, Vennemann T. Hydrodynamics of Lake Geneva inferred from Stable Hand O-Isotope Compositions, 8th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, November 19-20, 2010, Fribourg, Switzerland.

Daouk S, Chèvre N. Pesticides utilisés en agriculture: en quoi influencent-ils la qualité de l’eau? 3ème Journée romande « sol-plante-climat », October 14, 2010, Morges, Switzerland.

Bonvin, F, Rutler R, Kohn T. Occurrence and photodegradation of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in Lake GenevaTransCon2010 conference, September 12-17, 2010, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.

Gregorio V, Bouchez A, Anneville O, Chèvre N. Evaluation du risque des mélanges de substances chimiques: application au cas du phytoplancton du Léman. Journées internationales de limnologie 2010. October 5-8, 2010, Thonon, France.

Gregorio V, Chèvre N. Evaluation du risque des mélanges de substances chimiques: phytoplancton versus périphyton. Ecologie 2010, September 2-4, 2010, Montpellier, France.

Bonvin F, Rutler R, Halder J, Kohn T. Contribution of direct and indirect photolysis to the degradation of pharmaceuticals in lake water. Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Sciences 2010. June 20-25, 2010. Water, Plymouth, NH.

Tentscher PR, Arey JS. Quantum chemical prediction of a mechanism for sulfadiazine photodegradation in aquatic systems. Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Sciences 2010. June 20-25, 2010. Water, Plymouth, NH.

Guerard JJ, Arey JS. Evaluation of a quantum chemical method for estimating redox potentials of organic contaminants and resulting rates of electron transfer with triplet state dissolved organic matter. Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Sciences 2010. June 20-25, 2010. Water, Plymouth, NH.

Kase R, Eggen R, Homazava N, Di Paolo C, Junghans M, Ashauer R, Fenner K, Perazzolo C, Gregorio V, Chèvre N. Aquatic risks of pesticides: comparison of different risk assessment strategies for surface waters in Switzerland. May 23-27, 2010, Sevilla, Spain.

Coutu S, Khodadadi S, Rossi L, Chèvre N. Multicriteria methods for assessing pharmaceutical hazard for the environment. SETAC-Europe, May 23-27, 2010, Sevilla, Spain.

Bonvin F, Morasch B, Reiser H, Kohn T. Photodegradation and fate of waste-water-derived micropollutants in the water column of a mid-sized lake.  SETAC-Europe, May 23-27, 2010, Sevilla, Spain.

Kohn T, Morasch B, Bonvin F, Grandjean F, de Alencastro LF. Input and fate of wastewater-derived micropollutants in the Vidy Bay of Lake Geneva: removal during wastewater treatment and upon passage through the bay into raw drinking water. SETAC-Europe, May 23-27, 2010, Sevilla, Spain.

Halder J, Vennemann T. Qualitative and quantitative water assessment of Lake Geneva on the basis of Stable H- and O-Isotope Composition. EGU General Assembly 2010, May 02-07, 2010, Vienna, Austria.



Poté et al. 2009. Origin and spatial-temporal distribution of faecal bacteria in a bay of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 154: 337-348.


Tentscher PR, Arey JS, Aqueous solvation of small anions: Polarization of the solvent due to charge transfer? Molecular Modeling Workshop, Model(l)ing ’09 Conference, September 7-11, 2009, Erlangen, Germany. (Winner of Student Poster Award.)

Kohn T, Morasch B, Bonvin F,  Grandjean D, de Alencastro LF.Occurrence and fate of micropollutants during their passage from a wastewater effluent through Lake Geneva into finished drinking water. Micropol & Ecohazard 6th IWA Specialized Conference on Assessment & Control of Micropollutants/ Hazardous Substances in Water. June 8-10, 2009, San Francisco, CA.

Morasch B, de Alencastro LF, Kohn T. Development of an analytical screening method for micropollutants in Swiss lakes. Micropol & Ecohazard 6th IWA Specialized Conference on Assessment & Control of Micropollutants/ Hazardous Substances in Water. June 8-10, 2009, San Francisco, CA.