Improvements in links automation

Automatic links from ORCID identifiers

In the “links” step during a creation or when using the “Automatic Proposals” button during an edition:

  • Automatic check of the author if an ORCID identifier linked to the UNIL is indicated in the metadata obtained from the Pubmed (PMID) or Crossref (DOI) service.
  • If an author’s affiliation (with ORCID iD linked to UNIL) contains “university of lausanne”, “université de lausanne”, “unil”, “chuv” ou “vital it competence center”, units and teams of the author are checked.

The following conditions must be met:

  • the author must have an ORCID identifier
  • the author must have linked his ORCID identifier to UNIL
  • the publisher knows the ORCID identifier of the author and specifies it in the metadata of the publication
  • the publication must have a DOI or a Pubmed ID (PMID).

Link automatically checked for the author

During a new entry, if the user is a member of at least one research unit and is in the list of proposals then the unit is automatically checked.

Proposed links deduced from the authors entered in the metadata

Proposals for links were made from the first 5 and last 5 people maximum for the fields author, (co-) directors, … Links are now deducted from all the values contained in the fields author, directors, co-directors, editors and translators.

Display faculties / units in links

In the “links” step, the units or faculties of the persons are displayed.