

  • 2023. Gaiaschi, C. “Gender, class and the meritocratic ideal. The case of the life sciences in Italian Academia”, in Conley, H. and Koskinen Sandberg, P. (eds.) Handbook on Gender and Public Sector Employment. Edward Elgar.
  • 2022. Gaiaschi, C. Doppio Standard. Donne e Carriere Scientifiche nell’Italia contemporanea. Carocci Editore.
  • 2021. Gaiaschi, C., Musumeci, R. « Why so slow?»  Un’analisi del reclutamento accademico in Italia dal 2000 al 2020, tra processi di femminilizzazione e (ri-)maschilizzazione. AIS – Journal of Sociology, 18, 97-122.


Invited presentations

  • 16/11/2023. Gaiaschi, C. “Donne e lavoro scientifico”. Presentation of the book Doppio Standard. Donne e Carriere Scientifiche nell’Italia Contemporanea (Carocci, 2022). University of Florence, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Firenze.
  • 12/09/2023. Gaiaschi, C. Gender inequalities in academia: looking through the glass door. Evidence from Italy, Université de Lausanne, LIVES – Swiss centre of expertise in life course research, CH.
  • 12/06/2023. Presentation of the book Doppio Standard. Donne e Carriere Scientifiche nell’Italia Contemporanea (Carocci, 2022). University of Salento, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali, Lecce.
  • 25/05/2023. Presentation of the book Doppio Standard. Donne e Carriere Scientifiche nell’Italia Contemporanea (Carocci, 2022). University of Turin, Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Turin.
  • 11/05/2023. Presentation of the book Doppio Standard. Donne e Carriere Scientifiche nell’Italia Contemporanea (Carocci, 2022). University of Trento, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Centro di Studi Interdisciplinari di Genere, online seminar.
  • 23/03/2023. Presentation of the book Doppio Standard. Donne e Carriere Scientifiche nell’Italia Contemporanea (Carocci, 2022). La Sapienza University of Rome, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, MinervaLab – Laboratory on Diversity and Gender Inequality, online seminar.
  • 14/12/2022. Presentation of the book Doppio Standard. Donne e Carriere Scientifiche nell’Italia Contemporanea (Carocci, 2022). University of Milan, Dipartimenti DEFENS & DISAA, online seminar
  • 16/11/2022. Gaiaschi. C. L’università italiana tra riforme strutturali e cambiamenti culturali: quali implicazioni di genere? Conference “Donne, scienze e potere. Una presenza negata”. Università di Salerno, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Italy.
  • 16/06/2022. Gaiaschi, C. The neoliberal academia: more meritocratic for whom? The ambivalent implications for women. Round-table “De-gendering Academic Careers” (chairs: Barabara Poggio; Manuela Naldini), 11th European Feminist Research Conference, Universtiy of Milano-Bicocca (15-18 June 2022), Milano, Italy.
  • 01/03/2022. Gaiaschi, C. Gender, class and the neoliberal academia: more meritocratic for whom? International Webinar on Gender, Good Governance and Sustainable Development. Centre for European Studies, School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Pondicherry University, India. Online talk.

Presentations in peer-review conferences

  • 15/09/2023. Gaiaschi, C. Is co-optation for boys and merit for girls? Looking at the conflict between the “old” and the “new” academia with a gendered perspective. SAGS (Swiss Association for Gender Studies). Conference 2023, Université de Lausanne, 14-15 September 2023.
  • 10/02/2023. Gaiaschi, C. & Steinmetz, S. Breaking the glass door in academia: the contribution of organizational and institutional factors. SISEC (Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica) Conference, Brescia, Italy, 8-11 February 2023.
  • 26/11/2023. Gaiaschi, C. Is co-optation for boys and merit for girls? Looking at the conflict between the “old” and the “new” academia with a gendered perspective. National Conference “Gender Revolutions”, organized by the Center of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Trento, Italy,  25-26 November.
  • 10/11/2022. Gaiaschi, C. Condemned to be excellent? Female access to individual research grants in neoliberal times. International Symposium “Is Academic Mobility Gendered?”, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 10-11 Novembre. Organized by: Institut des sciences sociales (ISS) ; Plateforme en études genre (PlaGe) ; Laboratoire Capitalisme Culture et Sociétés (LACCUS) ; Observatoire Science Politique et Société (OSPS).