
The 1st Navarro-Vettiger group foto!

From left to right: Alejandro, Dieuwertje, Paula, Virginie and Andrea
Asst. Prof. Andrea Vettiger, PhD
  • PhD at University of Basel, Biozentrum, w/Prof. Marek Basler focusing on TypeVI Secretion Systems
  • Postdoc at Harvard Medical School, w/ Prof. Thomas Bernhardt studying cell wall remodeling during cell division of E. coli
  • Assistant Professor with Tenure Track for Microbial Cell Biology (2024-ongoing)


I am fascinated by the complex processes bacteria use to build their cell envelopes and how we can elucidate them through advanced imaging methods!
I am interested in understanding the spatiotemporal principles in outer membrane biogenesis in Corynebacteria glutamicum
Dieuwertje de Bruin

Doctoral Student

  • BSc in Molecular Biotechnology, University of Leiden
  • MSc in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Universrsity of Leiden, w/ Dennis Claessen


Virginie Trieu

Visiting Scientist

  • BSc in Biology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • MSc in  in Biology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland


I am applying molecular biology methods to understand how cell wall hydrolases contribute to bacterial growth and division