2. Certificate course

The objectives of this Action are to :

  • Establish an innovative and permanent training program to provide universities with Data Stewards to meet the expectations of the scientific community and national and international requirements
  • Create a pool of highly qualified people from different research fields and/or information science specialists to support researchers in managing research data throughout its life cycle
  • Provide a new certified career pathway for researchers, information science specialists and people with IT backgrounds

Action plan :

  • Drawing up an educational plan (teaching objectives, pedagogical strategies, evaluation methods, etc.)
  • Establishing a Scientific Committee to monitor the educational program
  • Developing transversal and transdisciplinary modules: Social sciences, life sciences and specific modules (data types, format, etc.)
  • Establishing a regulation, an inter-institutional study programme and an agreement between education providers

First edition of the training course :

The first edition will be held between October 2024 and June 2025 as a CAS (certificate of Advanced Studies) affiliated to the University of Lausanne.

The transdisciplinary common core will cover mandatory knowledge and skills in research data management. Learners will also enhance their technical skills and expertise, in order to best advise and support the researchers. They will also learn how to increase the visibility of the activities and the services that Data Stewards provide to the researchers.

The learners will then either focus on an individual project work (transdisciplinary orientation) or follow one of the specialized modules (biological and medical sciences or social and human sciences).

Upon successful completion of the course, they will receive a Certificate in Data Stewardship and 12 ECTS.
